[NIFL-ESL:1364] Multicultural Education?

From: Roderick Padilla (rpadilla@gsu.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 05 1997 - 15:05:12 EDT

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Do we need Multicultural Education in our schools .... check what the
Kentucky Department of Education thinks!

It is the program guidelines for multicultural education proposed to and 
passed by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Good idea! .. .any comments? ...  here is the Conclusion and I quote

"In addition to compliance with the above citations, justification for
education that is multicultural and nonbiased rests on two main premises: 

that pluralism is a reality of our society and second, that equality is a
basic ideal of our American creed. The United States is becoming increasingly
diverse, even in areas of the country that are relatively homogeneous
today. Our nation and world are multicultural; education must also be 
multicultural to meet the present and future needs of our youth.

To fully implement the egalitarian promises of our national creed, and to
comply with the Kentucky Education Reform Act and Federal law,
education programs and personnel in Kentucky must be committed to a social
system and to practices wherein individual worth and dignity are
inalienable. "

A big hand for the Kentucky Board of Education! Any other state adopting
something similar? ... If you know ... please post.

Roderick Padilla

This is my opinion and not GSU's

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