Re: Master's degree by distance

Date: Thu May 29 1997 - 00:36:20 EDT

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On Wed, 28 May 1997, Lynn Murabito wrote:

> I've run across some links that indicate there are universities that
> offer Master's degrees in TESOL by distance learning.  Most of them are
> outside the U.S. Can anyone explain how this would work

Distance learning programs work pretty simply. 
The student registers by mail (sends in the money and so forth) and the 
university sends the materials, which the student receives, completes and 
returns by mail.

Some unviersities' programs require a certain amount of residence, while 
others are entirely distance-based.  Some univeristies say that they wil 
send *all* the materials required, but some expecct you to get to a 
library, or else to request materiasl from their libraries, for a fee.
Most of the programs at a distance expect the student to be a practicing 
teacher, in order to be able to complete practical assignments.

The programs I've seen are composed of modules which generate 
certificates and/or diplomas fo the first part of study (this varies from 
a couple of months to one year) These certificates/diplomas can be 
terminal, or the student can continue on for the MA.  Most programs are 
designed to be completed in a minimum of three years.
This kind of program is very useful for folks who are teaching abroad, 
but are also good for working teachers who just can't spare the time to 
go and sit in university classes.

Most of the distance MA-TESL programs are offered through universities 
located either in the UK or Australia.

There is a reasonably extensive listing of distance MA programs in Part 
One of the International ESL/EFL/ESOL Resource Guide, which can be 
accessed at the US Information Agency website, or at the Linguistic 
Funland website (both URLs are in my signature).  


ESL Teacher

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi
The International ESL/EFL/ESOL Resource Guide (FAQ) is accessible at: 
US Information Agency:    
Linguistic Funland:

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