F1 VISA Information

From: Lynn Cunill (cunilll@mail.adult-ed.leon.k12.fl.us)
Date: Wed May 28 1997 - 11:24:47 EDT

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From: Lynn Cunill <cunilll@mail.adult-ed.leon.k12.fl.us>
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Subject: F1 VISA Information
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>Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 10:31:23 -0400
>From: Lynn Cunill <cunilll@mail.adult-ed.leon.k12.fl.us>
>Subject: F1 VISA Information
>As requested from the listserv, I would like to introduce myself.  My name
is Lynn Cunill and I am the supervisor for the adult ESOL program in
Tallahassee, FL.  
>I need information on Public Law 104-208.  I would like to know how this
impacts adult ESOL students.  We do not ask VISA information as it was our
understanding that this was illegal.  Neither do we issue VISAS.  Any
information will be helpful.
>Thank you! Lynn

Lynn Cunill
Program Specialist
Leon Co. Schools Adult and Community Education
283 Trojan Trail
Tallahassee, FL 32311

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