info about error messages

From: Fran Keenan (
Date: Tue Feb 18 1997 - 12:30:43 EST

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Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 12:30:43 -0500
From: Fran Keenan <>
Subject:  info about error messages
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A friendly plea: Please don't reply to the list when someone is
checking their e-mail function. Reply to that person individually or
the rest of us will go crazy!

Also, if you wonder whether your e-mail posting goes to the list, on
the NIFL lits, of which NIFL-ESL is one, you SHOULD receive a copy of
your own posting along with every other subscriber. That can be your
test. If your message shows up in your box, it made it to the list! 

Now, about error messages. Some time ago the NIFL lists were
automatically sending error messages every time someone tried to post
something. That problem stopped. I was not aware it had started up
again. If you are ALWAYS getting error messages even after checking
the spelling and syntax of the e-mail addressee
( and the particular method by which your
e-mail system (such as AOL or Compuserve) needs e-mail addressed to
the Internet, send me a message (  I had heard that
some Compuserv customers were experiencing problems with e-mail


Fran Keenan
NIFL-ESL moderator (and e-mail fan on good days!)

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