Reaching part-timers

From: Anna Silliman (73651.1122@CompuServe.COM)
Date: Wed Jan 22 1997 - 14:13:02 EST

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Date: 22 Jan 97 14:13:02 EST
From: Anna Silliman <73651.1122@CompuServe.COM>
To: Nifl-forum <>
Subject: Reaching part-timers
Message-ID: <970122191301_73651.1122_DHR38-1@CompuServe.COM>
Status: RO

     I was so pleased to read in the past few days' mail that
netters are talking about how to reach the thousands of part-timers
who are out there teaching ESL but who may not belong to TESOL
or be able to attend TESOL conferences.

     Over five years ago I started Hands-on English for that very
purpose--to try to reach and network with adult ESL people out there
who are not yet in the professional mainstream. Currently we have over
2,000 readers, many of whom are not TESOL members (my best guess
is that 85% are not).

     So, Hands-on English might be another forum to consider when
trying to reach these folks--we can print announcements in our
"news & notes" column, for example.

     Three ideas I have:

     Trudy--when the post-convention AEIS newsletter is completed,
how about printing extra copies and having them available at cost
for non-members?? We could advertise it for you in Hands-on English,
and you could use the opportunity to encourage people to join TESOL.

     You could also send a letter to the state Depts. of Ed. asking
them to post a flyer at their sites about the special AEIS newsletter
edition--this might reach a few more people.

     Finally, Hands-on English publishes ESL activities that are
practical and ready-to-use, and welcomes submissions from instructors.
Many of our articles come from conference presentations, written
either by the presenter or by someone else reporting on the presentation.
So, for ESL activities that might be too lengthy or detailed for
publication in AEIS, please consider Hands-on English as another way
to distribute some great teaching ideas!

Best wishes,

Anna Silliman, Editor
Hands-on English                     "A helping hand for ESL"
P.O. Box 256, Crete, NE 68333     
Toll-free: 1-800-ESL-HAND (375-4263)
Fax: 402-826-3997

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