Re: Introduction

From: Elaine Cecelski (
Date: Mon Jan 13 1997 - 13:38:14 EST

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Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 13:38:14 -0500
From: Elaine Cecelski <>
Sender: Elaine Cecelski <>
Organization: County of Albemarle
Subject: Re: Introduction
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Hi, my name is Elaine and I teach ESL to migrant farmworkers and their 
children, through the Mirant Education Program, Adult Ed and as a 
volunteer.  My adult classes are pretty interesting.  All of you ESL part 
time carry all your materials in your car types are used to tough 
conditions I know, but listen to this. Ii go to migrant camps that are 25 
miles out in the county on curvy roads.  We start at 7:00 pm since the 
workers dont get home until then or later.  I have to bring our light (a 
system of extnsion cords and 150 watt bulbs) and blankerts to sit on 
outside.  i have a small group of bundled up volunteers and we divide up 
with dry erase boards and notebooks and pens and have a great time!  Most 
of our students are here to pick apples and so are in the area only 7-10 
weeks.  once it gets cold and the hoards move on a smaller group moves 
inside to one of the camp rooms (cinderblock, no heat, but inside) and 
continue as long as we have students.
	For families we do a similar deal with a "family literacy box" which 
includes books and activities designed aroug a theme like "birthdays", 
"bears" or "All about me".
	It's lots of fun, in fact I would never go back into the classroom.  
It's not that I don't like heat and light but I am convinced that 
literacy and ESL must start where folks live, using the words, objects 
and experiences they already have and building on those.  Home is where 
folks feel confident and safe which is how we all like to learn.  I'm 
interested mostly in farmworkers and what others are doing with them.  
you can email me directly at

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