September 5, 2007
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Sprinkler Association Honors Langevin

 Sprinkler Association Honors Langevin
The Fire Sprinkler Advocate Award was presented to Langevin by AFSA Vice Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Legislative Committee Larry Thibodeau and AFSA President Steve Muncy.

(Warwick, R.I.) The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) has selected Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) as its Fire Sprinkler Advocate of 2007 in recognition of his leadership in promoting fire and life safety through the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act of 2007, HR 1742.
  “I am honored and humbled to receive this award,” states Langevin. “It certainly never crossed my mind that I would receive any recognition for this effort. I simply saw a need in the wake of a tragic event in my home state and sought to fix it the best way I knew how – with legislation.”
The Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act of 2007 amends the Internal Revenue Code to provide for accelerated depreciation of five years for automatic fire sprinkler systems installed in existing occupancies as opposed to the current 27.5- or 39-year period for installations in residential, rental, and non-residential real property. The bi-partisan legislation aims to amend the Internal Revenue Code to provide an incentive to business owners for retrofitting existing buildings with life-saving sprinklers. Specifically, this legislation will reduce the tax depreciation time for retrofitting sprinklers in nonresidential real property from 39 years to only five. This bill, HR 1742, is companion legislation to Senate Bill 582.
Langevin urges everyone to write their representative asking for their support of this legislation and thanking them if they have already pledged their support of the legislation. He says, “Together, we can make a tremendous impact by providing a financial incentive to install sprinklers in every office, restaurant, and nightclub in the country. It is my strong hope that my colleagues will join me in supporting and quickly passing this important measure, before tragedy strikes another community.”
With its recognition of Jim Langevin, AFSA continues its history of honoring those outside of the industry who go above and beyond in promoting automatic fire sprinkler systems. AFSA created the Fire Sprinkler Advocate of the Year Award to recognize these individuals whose efforts have significantly advanced life-safety and property protection by promoting the installation of fire sprinklers.


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