Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. 1/8/2008 Executive Council Meeting Agenda

    08:00-08:30am Breakfast

    08:30-08:40 Welcome Carl Pilcher

    08:40-09:30 NRC report: overview & discussion Carl Pilcher, all

    9:30 - 10:15 Updates on CAN-5 schedule, Focus Groups, AbSciCon, DDF '08 Carl Pilcher, Ed Goolish

    10:15 - 10:30 Break

    10:30 - 11:30 NAI Education and Outreach: current activities and plans for future Daniella Scalice

    11:30-01:00pm Lunch + PI in camera session

    01:00-01:30 Report from in camera session/ open discussion

    01:30-03:15 DDF 2007 project updates

    01:30 Karen Meech
    AbGradCon at Bioastronomy 2007

    01:45 Hiroshi Ohmoto
    Field Workshop on Biosignatures in Ancient Rocks

    02:00 Steinn Sigurddson
    Extreme Habitability Workshop

    02:15 Michael Meyer
    Chemical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of Habitable Worlds: A Combined Astronomical, Laboratory, and Theoretical Approach

    02:30 Danny Glavin
    Astrobiology Sample Analysis Program (ASAP) for Advanced Life Detection
    Instrumentation Development and Calibration

    02:45 Cynthia Phillips
    Astrobiology Research Experience for Undergraduates at the SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center

    03:00 Andrey Bekker (Carl will summarize a written report from Andrey)
    Funding for fieldtrip and special session during the International Geological Congress (IGC) in 2008 in Norway in association with the Fennoscandian Arctic Russia - Deep Drilling Project (FAR-DDP)

    03:15-03:30 Break

    03:30-05:00 U. Colorado science presentations

    • CU Center for Astrobiology, 10 minutes Bruce Jakosky
    • Planetary Formation and Habitability, 20 min. Sean Raymond
    • Planetary Biogeochemistry and Metabolism, 20 min. Tom McCollom
    • RNA Chemistry and the RNA World, 20 min. Mike Yarus
    • Mars Methane Chemistry, 20 min. Melissa Trainer

    05:00-05:30 New business All

    6:00 Dinner at local restaurant (location TBD)

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