Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. October 16-17, 2008 Executive Council In-Person Meeting Agenda

    Agenda last updated October 9, 2008

    NAI Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future


    07:30-08:30 Breakfast
    08:30-09:00 Welcome and Introductions
    09:00-10:15 Opening Remarks (Carl Pilcher)

    Cross-team science integration
    Discussion leader: Carl Pilcher
    Identifying areas of common interest across the Institute; ways that this has been done in the past; ideas for how to foster and support cross-team interactions

    10:15-10:30 BREAK

    10:30-11:30 Interdisciplinarity

    Discussion leader: Dave Des Marais
    Building interdisciplinary teams; success stories; challenges for interdisciplinary science teams and how to address them; responsiveness to the NRC’s recommendations for interdisciplinarity

    Click here to download presentation

    11:30-1:00 LUNCH (PI’s in camera session)

    01:00- 2:30 Strategic Challenges for the NAI

    Discussion leader: Clark Johnson

    • Potential impact of the ’08 Presidential election—how to position/plan for upcoming changes in federal administration and agency priorities after the election.
    • The NAI Emeritus Program; ways to continue involvement in NAI; use of the DDF and other funding mechanisms to support the Emeritus program; lessons learned from past turnover of teams.
    • NAI’s continued influence on NASA missions; impact on NAI’s involvement in missions due to the new mix of teams

    02:30-2:45 BREAK

    2:45-3:30 “NAI 2.0” —Use of technology for collaboration and communication

    Discussion Leaders: Vikki Meadows and Wendy Dolci
    Lessons learned; evolving the virtual institute/IT aspects of NAI; emerging technologies to benefit NAI and that are responsive to the NRC’s recommendations for use of IT

    03:30-03:45 BREAK
    03:45-04:45 Malcolm Walter, Australian Centre for Astrobiology (ACA)
    06:00 Group dinner at local restaurant


    07:30-08:30 Breakfast

    08:30-9:30 Álvaro Giménez Cañete, Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB)

    Click here to download presentation

    09:30-10:00 Science presentations: Goddard team Speakers TBD

    10:00-10:15 BREAK

    10:15-10:45 Encouraging the next generation of astrobiologists

    Discussion leader: Chris House
    Lessons learned from the NAI Post doc program; experience of team-supported post docs; other student programs; ideas for future

    10:45-12:00 Planning for the upcoming year

    • January 2009 In Person meeting at Ames Research Center: content/purpose; participants; dates.
    • Schedule of NAI EC videocons and in-person meetings for 2009
    • Goals and plans for additional collaboration events throughout the year (virtual events and in-person events). Identify what must be achieved given the strategic directions that have been discussed. Examples: we will need opportunities to learn about science across teams, will need to work together to respond to new NASA priorities in ~mid-2009.

    12 NOON – Adjourn

    01:00-03:00: Tours of NAI GSFC Labs (optional)

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