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Archive for the ‘From the Associate Director’ Category

Swine Flu

Monday, April 27th, 2009

According to the CDC, as of yesterday (26 April) there were no reported cases of swine flu in the New England region.

The CDC with HHS has compiled information available on the swine flu at:

Among the information pages are:

Interim CDC Guidance for Nonpharmaceutical Community Mitigation in Response to Human Infections with Swine Influenza (H1N1) Virus:

Guidance for Clinicians & Public Health Professionals:

You can use the following widget to code in the CDC’s Swine Flu Information website (a green box with links):

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”“></script><noscript><iframe src=”” name=”swineframe” frameborder=0 id=”swineframe” scrolling=”no” height=”160″ width=”198″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ ></iframe></noscript>

Health Information Outreach Program Full

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

The NN/LM-New England Region’s online learning program on Health Information Outreach and Community Engagement:  Lessons Learned from the Experts is full.  We are pleased with the overwhelming enthusiasm for the program.  Due to a large waiting list, the program will be recorded for later viewing.  The NER plans to send the link for the recording directly to participants on the waiting list as well as post it on our Connecting with the NER site.  Unfortunately, MLA CE units will not be awarded for viewing the recording of the program.

Service Continuity Class–Register Now!

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

NER has been talking about Emergency Preparedness for the last few years. We’ve visited with members at their association meetings (MAHSLIN, HSLIC, SEMCO, ARIHSL, NAHSL) and presented on the different resources available to put together a preparedness plan.

NER conducted an assessment of members’ activities in preparedness planning, here are some figures:

  • 76% of you reported not having a preparedness plan
  • 84% of you indicated you’d be interested in assistance in developing continuity of service plans.

As part of its battery of training and professional development opportunities being offered this winter, NER is announcing a course on Developing Your Library Continuity of Service Plan.

Through the course we hope to assist NER members in developing their own plans for handling emergencies. The course is designed to meet via Adobe Connect sessions–many of you have already participated in our other Connecting with the NER sessions. The course will follow a 10-Step Process to Service Continuity Planning developed by the NN/LM National Coordinator. To provide an opportunity for librarians to work together, the class will also use the Moodle online learning platform as a collaborative virtual space for working through exercises and Steps that will serve to help build your own Service Continuity Plan

Here are the details:


  • Adobe Connect Session 1: January 27th
  • Adobe Connect Session 2: February 11th
  • Adobe Connect Session 3: Feb 24th
  • Adobe Connect Session 4: March 4th

Sessions will start at 2:00p.m. and may last until 3:30.

Adobe Connect Session will also operate with an audio telephone conferencing system

Course Objectives:

  • Participants will be introduced to the basic elements of a service continuity plan.
  • Participants will learn how to:

· Conduct a risk assessment

· Assure personal safety

· Identify core services and resources

· Plan for remote service and resource provision

· Identify print and unique resources and prioritize resource recovery

  • Participants will be able to develop and complete a service continuity plan for their own library.

8 MLA CE Credits have been approved!.

Javier and Penny will be the course instructors. The course is only available to NER member libraries. As with all NER offerings, the course is free of charge.

Participants will need access to workstations that enable the use of Adobe Connect as well as be able to telephone into the conferencing system.

To register, please contact Martha Pearson at In your email please include: Your name, institution address with phone number and zip code and the name of the course (Developing Your Library Continuity of Service Plan).

Details on how to access the teleconference and Adobe Connect session will be forwarded upon registration.

Act fast and spread the word!

Medical Librarians’ Month

Monday, October 6th, 2008

Welcome to October!

Marking Medical Librarians’ Month and to celebrate the work of medical librarians throughout the country, the National Library of Medicine has put out its annual page featuring the work of medical librarians and the interesting projects they conduct for their institutions and beyond.

This year New England Network Member institutions and their librarians in New Hampshire and Maine are recognized for their work respectively in theater and outreach to immigrant populations. Read about those projects at .

And you can read about the projects from all of the regions in the Network at

Happy Medical Librarians’ Month!

Related Reports: From the Associate Director

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Submitted by Javier Crespo

Related Reports…

From time to time we look out for articles for reports that intersect the medical librarians’ interests in health care, technology, and of course libraries and information services. The following are summaries of recent reports that have come across my desktop. Perhaps you may find them useful:

The Science of Spread: How Innovations in Care Become the Norm

This report was released in September 2007 by the California HealthCare Foundation ( The report is interested in how change within health care institutions are diffused throughout an organization and how they are adapted by other institutions. The report surveys the literature—both popular and health care-specific—of diffusion or spread of ideas, process, or practice changes.

The report mentions Institute for Healthcare Improvement own white paper. Disseminating Issues in Healthcare described a framework for diffusion that, while recognizing the need for collaborative team processes, places a primary responsibility for change on the organization’s key leadership.

Other theorists mentioned in the report are Paul Plsek and Sarah Fraser. One of Plsek’s concerns is the varying levels of changeability or where health care professionals for example, fall in the “readiness to change spectrum” (page 9). Sarah Fraser is concerned with innovators behave as (often impatient) messengers of spread while others within an organization may be weary of change.

The Science of Spread Report examines five case studies of spreading improvement in healthcare. I’ll mention two:

The report exemplifies the Veterans Health Administration as an example of change leadership in improving patient satisfaction while reducing costs. The VHA developed an advanced access system that allowed patients to make same-day appointments and reducing wait times. Another tool for spreading improvement within the VHA system was its electronic health record that has been widely deployed.

The report returns to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement ( and their 100,000 Lives Campaign (see the 5 Million Lives Campaign at The campaign was a national initiative that utilized partnerships with major healthcare associations and locally based networks or nodes of hospitals. Nodes would be composed of regional collaborative teams and mentor hospitals that spread the message of specific and previously identified improvement goals in six areas of care.

The report concludes by summarizing the roles of leaders, champions, front-line caregivers in ensuring change spread and offering six lessons to facilitate change. See the report at:

The Horizon Report 2008 Edition

The Horizon report series is a collaboration of The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. The Horizon report is a research project spanning five years that identifies “likely to have a large impact on teaching,…within learning-focused organizations.” The technologies are organized into timeframes or horizons that represent when their wide adoption would take place.

Two technologies are identified as already widely adopted or being adopted within a year: grassroots video and collaboration webs. Recording events to the web is already widespread. Educational applications are abundant with specially branded YouTube channels from institutions like UC Berkeley and the University of Maryland Baltimore County. With collaboration webs building, storing, and sharing documents of all types are employed by groups of instructors and students. Content is developed by groups and distributed widely. Wikis, Google Docs, Zoho Office, and Slideshare are a few examples.

Two more technologies are likely to be widely adopted in the next two to three years: mobile broadband and data mashups. Mobile broadband allows for ultra-remote networking on small devices and is already prevalent . Education, research, and health care uses are already growing. In the healthcare setting think of the librarian providing on-the-spot searches to providers at home visits or incident triage centers with PubMed OnTap. Penny has written about mashups previously ( Mashups are easily illustrated when you think about a diagnostic resource being able to dynamically create a PubMed search with relevant citations based on the resulting diagnosis.

In the next four to five years collective intelligence and social operating systems are likely to be widely adopted. The ability to cull knowledge from a large group of people through a resource like Wikipedia, Freebase, or the Human Brain Cloud can be considered examples of collective intelligence technology. Social operating systems place the emphasis on the relationships a user has with other individuals when using a utility like an email application. A deeper example might be an information resource’s ability to graphically call up profiles (pictures, mini-bios, bibliographies) from an individual on a web page, article, or other document without the user having to initiate another search.

In addition to providing overviews of these current and emerging technologies, the Horizon Project summarized the technologies’ relevance to teaching and learning, more specific examples with accompanying websites, and suggestions for further reading.

The Horizon Projects “2008 Horizon Report” is available at:

Funded Outreach Projects

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Submitted by Javier Crespo

NER is pleased to announce the following funded outreach projects:

Tufts University, Hirsh Medical Library: SPIRAL Enhancement Project

Tufts University will expand the work of its acclaimed SPIRAL resource. SPIRAL stands for Selected
Patient Information Resource in Asian Languages ( The subcontract funding will allow the project to increase the language and content offerings on the SPIRAL Asian Languages in Health Information Website.

The goal of the SPIRAL project is to promote health literacy by collecting health information in multiple Asian languages for non-English speakers to search, and for health care providers to make available to their non-English speaking patients.
Project objectives are:

  1. Addition of new topics: Consumer health resources created by Asian medical schools will be investigated, and when appropriate, integrated within SPIRAL’s collection of links.
  2. Addition of new language – Japanese: Recruit Japanese translator(s) to join the pool of translators who were identified previously to work with the SPIRAL project.
  3. Promote and publicize the SPIRAL site to the physicians, health care providers, libraries, and communities serving the targeted patient populations.
  4. Redesign web site layout to improve aesthetics and appeal, user navigation, including provisions for Section 508 compliancy, and organization of featured materials.

River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition: River Valley Health Information Literacy Outreach Project

The goal of the River Valley Health Information Literacy Outreach Project is to increase awareness of reliable online health information and improve the health literacy of youth and young adults in rural Northern Oxford County, Maine. The River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition (RVHCC) will:

  1. Assess community health information needs and services.
  2. Increase the capacity of teachers and librarians to use reliable online health information resources to improve health literacy.
  3. Pilot health information literacy lessons in local schools, community–based adult education programs, and public libraries.
  4. Encourage consumer health information outreach by Healthy Communities Coalitions throughout the state of Maine.

RVHCC is a non-profit organization serving nine towns (Andover, Byron, Canton, Dixfield, Hanover, Mexico, Peru, Roxbury, and Rumford). We first wrote about Healthy Communities projects in a previous newsletter article ( The project team will train 15 teachers and librarians to pilot three health information literacy lessons using the National Library of Medicine (NLM) online resources in schools, adult education programs, and libraries. During the pilot it is expected that the project will reach 200 youth and young adults and that 80% will report increased awareness of NLM resources and 60% will use online resources to find health information. RVHCC is collaborating with Rumford Hospital and Central Maine Medical Center.

The above two subcontracts join the following four current subcontracts that are well under way.

  • Littleton Regional Hospital, Gale Medical Library: Northern New Hampshire Health Information Outreach.
  • Massachusetts General Hospital, Treadwell Library: Health Information Project with CAPIC (Community Action Programs, Inter City, Inc.).
  • University of Vermont, Dana Medical Library: Connecting Patients, Providers, and the Community with Quality Health Information.
  • Yale University, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library: Information Needs of Connecticut School Nurses.