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National Directory

National Directory of Brain Injury Services - ONLINE

BIAA is proud to announce that the 2009 National Directory of Brain Injury Services is available as an on-line searchable database.

Click here to access the Online Directory

Consumers looking for rehabilitation programs, professional services or local resources are now able to find services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from the comfort of their home, office or even from the hospital while they are visiting their loved one with brain injury. This comprehensive database offers fast searches to locate the right programs and professionals across the country - from injury and acute care, to rehabilitation and community services.  Users can search for information by organization name, contact name, professional service provided, age group served, program types, accreditations and service specialties in the following areas:

  • State affiliates: BIAA has chartered state affiliates that provide a wealth of information on brain injury, support for persons with brain injury and their families, education and training opportunities and much more.
  • Support groups: Support groups are affiliated with BIAA state affiliates and can be contacted for details about meeting locations, times and dates.
  • State resources: This section includes a wide range of state agencies that offer information and services to persons with brain injury and their families. In most cases, the agencies serve persons with many different types of disabling conditions.
  • Professional services: Search for professionals by their area of expertise, such as case managers, neuropsychologists, cognitive therapists and many more.
  • Facility and program providers: This section includes information about medical, rehabilitation and community-based services for persons with brain injury. Many listings will be enhanced with logos and hyperlinks to program/facility Websites for even more functionality.