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On February 13, both the House of Representatives and the Senate passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  President Obama signed the bill into law on February 17.  The bill is estimated to create or save 3.5 million jobs throughout the country, including 143,000 jobs in Pennsylvania and 7,800 jobs in Congressman Kanjorski's Congressional District in Northeastern Pennsylvania.  

Congressman Kanjorski released his extensive guidebook detailing how individuals, families, businesses, community organizations, and local governments can more easily navigate the extensive recovery package.  Among other things, the guidebook explains how municipalities can try to secure funding from the recovery package.  For municipalities to receive funding through the bill, they must apply to the appropriate federal or state agencies.  The guidebook also provides constituents with valuable information as to how the legislation could directly affect them, their families, and their communities. 

Click here to view my guidebook to the recovery package.

Click on the below links to view manuals to accessing and understanding different pieces of the recovery package:

Please click here to learn about the recovery package and how it will impact you, your family, and your community.

Many pieces of the recovery package could directly affect individuals and their families including:

  • $250 one-time payments to recipients of Social Security benefits, Railroad Retirement benefits, veteran's compensation or pension benefits, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI);
  • $400 tax credit for working individuals and $800 tax credit for working families in 2009 and 2010;
  • At least $90 million for job training, employment services, and job assistance programs for unemployed individuals in Pennsylvania;
  • Up to $2,500 tax credit for higher education of the cost of tuition and related expenses;
  • 10 percent tax credit, without repayment, or up to $8,000, for first-time homebuyers on the purchase of a home in 2009;
  • Deduction for state and local sales taxes and excise taxes paid on the purchase of standard-sized automobile; and
  • Up to 30 percent tax credit on qualified energy efficient home and building improvements through 2010, for purchases such as new furnaces, energy-efficient windows and doors, or insulation, which will save families money and protect the environment.

  • 65 percent reduction in COBRA costs for people who lose their jobs between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009. Click here to learn more details about the COBRA premium reduction.

Pennsylvania is expected to receive the following funding from the bill:

  • More than $1.3 billion in funding to modernize highways and bridges, and improve public transit systems.
  • 4.9 million workers and families will receive a tax credit of $400 for working individuals and $800 for working families.
  • $2,500 in tax credits to make college more affordable for 138,000 additional families will receive up to
  • 244,000 Pell Grant recipients will receive more funding so that they can afford to go to college
  • $4.07 billion in Medicaid funding to maintain services for recipients.
  • $73 million in law enforcement funds to support the safety of our communities.
  • $1.9 billion in state stabilization funding to prevent education-related layoffs, upgrade, repair and modernize schools and restore harmful cuts to education funding.
  • $222 million in funding for water and wastewater management projects for Clean Water and Clean Drinking Water projects.
  • $258 million through the Weatherization Assistance Program enabling low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient
  • 972,000 taxpayers will be protected from the Alternative Minimum Tax, preventing them from paying thousands in additional income taxes.

Below please find a press release with Congressman Kanjorski's statement for the record about the recovery package.



Kanjorski: We are in a time of crisis, and doing nothing is not an option

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski (D-PA), explained his support for H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, in a statement for the Congressional Record.  The House passed the bill today by a vote of 246-183.

"While the final recovery bill is not perfect, nor does it address all my concerns, I strongly believe that we must take quick action to help Americans who are struggling and help spur job creation," said Congressman Kanjorski in his statement. 

The text of Congressman Kanjorski's statement for the Congressional Record on the recovery package follows:








February 13, 2009


MR. KANJORSKI.  Madam Speaker, I rise today to offer my thoughts about H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

While the final recovery bill is not perfect, nor does it address all my concerns, I strongly believe that we must take quick action to help Americans who are struggling and help spur job creation.  We are in a time of crisis, and doing nothing is not an option.  I agree with President Obama - time is of the essence, and we must act quickly to pass a recovery package.  Though no bill is perfect, I have reconciled my problems with the initial bill for the sake of helping Americans and the economy.

Just last week, the U.S. Department of Labor announced recent increases in the number of unemployed Americans.  These statistics were incredibly troubling.  Sadly, they showed a twenty-six year high in unemployment filings.  Additionally, part of my own Congressional District in Northeastern Pennsylvania, faces a 7.7 percent unemployment rate, higher than the state and national averages.  Clearly the increase in the number of people unemployed in the country and in Northeastern Pennsylvania reflects the need for the federal government to immediately provide greater assistance to those out of work and struggling. 

While I wanted the recovery bill to focus more on job creation through infrastructure in the short term, which was the original focus of the bill, it does address these issues to an extent.  The bill is estimated to create or save 3.5 million jobs throughout the country, including 143,000 jobs in Pennsylvania and 7,700 jobs in my Congressional District.  The bill includes $64 billion for infrastructure development that is estimated to create or sustain 1.8 million jobs nationally and generate $322 billion of economic activity.  Additionally, to help individuals get back to work in good jobs, almost $4 billion is allocated for job training programs.

I also previously expressed the need for the recovery package to focus on helping those who are out of work or retired.  While many people are struggling, we must help those without jobs feed their families immediately.  Though I encourage a larger focus on this for future legislation, this bill extends unemployment insurance through December 2009 and it increases benefit payments by $25 per week, so that jobless workers will now receive $325 per week in tax-free benefits.  It also includes a one time $250 payment to retirees, disabled individuals, and for Supplemental Security Income to help more people without jobs.

Finally, I had strongly advocated for the inclusion of a General Revenue Sharing program through an amendment to the recovery package that would provide localities with a needed source of revenue for undertaking job-creating infrastructure projects and maintaining public safety networks.  This would be critical to helping localities across the country that are facing significant funding shortfalls as a result of the ongoing economic downturn.  While I was disappointed that this amendment was not included in the legislation, I applaud provisions in the current bill that will improve state and local government bonds, allowing states and localities to afford needed infrastructure projects.  The recovery package also creates a competitive grant program exclusively for state and local surface transportation projects.  Additionally, I will introduce a stand alone General Revenue Sharing bill in the near future.

My strongest objection to the initial recovery package dealt with the fact that many Members, both Democrats and Republicans, were not involved in the discussions on the bill.  As I have continued to say, open door policies regarding Congress' legislation are essential.  All Members of Congress must have a voice and the opportunity to debate bills, especially the recovery package which is the most significant and certainly the most expensive undertaking in our nation's history.  I voiced my concerns to House leadership, and they were noted.  I hope these actions will be changed in the future.

Additionally, the public must have an informed voice as well.  In order to let the American public truly understand the need for the recovery bill, and other legislation going forward, we need to allow them to fully understand it.  I am a firm believer in that we must determine the problem before addressing the possible solutions.  We must effectively communicate to the public the full extent of the problems we face so that they also understand why we are taking such action.

I applaud President Obama for his determination and willingness to jump on such a daunting project in his first month in office.  While this is not a final solution to our economic problems, as we will likely need another recovery package in the future, it is an important step forward.  Fixing our economy will not happen overnight, but I have faith that we will emerge from these tough times stronger than ever.

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