Welcome to NLG Project Planning: A Tutorial. Please take a moment to review the following information, and then click the "ready to begin" button to enter the tutorial.

This tutorial is provided to assist you in developing a project plan for a National Leadership Grant application. While we hope you find it helpful in preparing your application, your use of the tutorial is not a requirement of applying for a National Leadership Grant.

Each application to IMLS is reviewed using the agency's established grant review process. Use of this tutorial does not ensure that you will receive a grant from IMLS.

While NLG projects cover a wide range of activities, including basic and applied research, this tutorial does not specifically address research projects. Research projects will investigate questions, gather and analyze data, and evaluate and disseminate generalizable results. Planning activities for research projects will vary depending on the methodology selected.

As you work through the tutorial, you may decide your project needs additional planning, or that it does not match the purposes of the NLG programs. In these or similar cases, using the tutorial does not commit you to preparing an application to NLG nor does it constitute an intention to apply.

Some people may find the tutorial useful for planning other projects.

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