Accessing and Using the Fire Policy Implementation CD-ROM

Accessing wildland fire policy is important to communicators. Now a full array of federal policies and other materials are available on CD-ROM under the title "Wildland and Prescribed Fire Management Policy" (March 1999) from the National Interagency Fire Center, Boise, Idaho. Numerous other supporting materials are found at

The Fire Policy Implementation CD-ROM represents the collection of files necessary to understand, use, and present information concerning the Federal Wildland Fire Policy.

The information contained on this disk includes a combination of lesson plans from national training courses, agency documents, the Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy Recommendations, the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Management Policy Implementation Procedures Reference Guide, implementation procedures slide shows, an example of a WFIP using the new implementation procedures, and numerous software conversion packages. The CD-ROM consists of a total of 8 folders containing 25 files that occupy 136 megabytes of space.

The directory for the disk has been developed to aid users in quickly accessing desired files. Folder headings have been established to guide users through various types of information. Main file folders are set up as follows:

Clicking on Windows Explorer will result in the above directory listing. As stated above, there are a total of 25 files, so within major folder headings reside the individual files.

Files were created in numerous software packages. The primary software package used was Microsoft Office 97, containing Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Word. The following table lists file extensions present on this disk, the file type, and software needed (if applicable):

Table 1. Electronic files contained on the Fire Policy Implementation CD-ROM.

File extension File type Software used to create and/or use file
.doc Microsoft Word document Microsoft Word for Windows, 8.0
.exe Application file Double-click to start program in Windows
.htm Microsoft HTML document 4.0 Microsoft Word for Windows, 8.0
.ppt Microsoft Powerpoint presentation file Microsoft Powerpoint 8.0
.rtf Rich text format document, readable by
Word, Wordperfect, and USFS
software programs
Microsoft Word for Windows, 8.0
.wdp Wordperfect document WordPerfect

The completed contents of this disk are shown in the following table (Table 2). An explanation is provided of what each file is and how it may be used.

Table 2. Full definition of folder contents by file name, file definition, and possible use.

Disk Name Folder Name File Name File Definition Possible Use
Fire Policy Implementation
Lesson Plans galewith.doc Policy implementation lesson plan from National Parks and Wilderness Fire Management Training, NARTC, 1998 (MS Word 97) Provides text information concerning policy implementation that can be used with local presentations, and can be downloaded and printed as needed
galewith.rtf Same (rich text format) Same
galewith.wpd Same (WordPerfect) Same
NPS Manuals DO-18.doc NPS Director's Orders for Wildland Fire Management (MS Word) Reference to agency manual
DO-18.rtf Same (rich text format) Reference for agency manual
Policy Review policydoc.htm Federal fire policy review (HTML format as downloaded from USFS Internet site) Reference to federal fire policy and program review–can be downloaded and printed
policydoc.rtf Same (rich text format) Same
Policy Slide Show sldshw15.ppt Fire policy implementation procedures slide show as presented by NPS, USFS, BIA, FWS–shortest version, approximately 15 minutes (Powerpoint 8.0) A-V support for presentations on fire policy implementation, short version suitable for informal or non-agency presentations
sldshw150.ppt Fire policy implementation procedures slide show–longest version, approx. 150 minutes Support for formal presentations to agency staff and practitioners
sldshw20.ppt Fire policy implementation procedures presentation, alternate short version, approx. 20 minutes Support for informal or less detailed presentations
sldshw45.ppt Fire policy implementation procedures presentation, intermediate version, approx. 45 minutes Support for presentations when less detail is needed concerning procedures
Reference Guide refguide.doc Wildland and Prescribed Fire Management Policy, Implementation Procedures Reference Guide (Microsoft Word 97) Available for downloading and printing for additional hard copies
refguide.rtf Same (rich text format) Same
refguideapp.doc Wildland and Prescribed Fire Management Policy, Implementation Procedures Reference Guide, Appendix (Microsoft Word 97) Presents all forms and checklists as reproducible forms, can be downloaded and printed or copied into unit functional activity or project plans as desired
Software refguideapp.rtf Same (rich text format) Same
Ar32e300.exe Application file to install Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 Use to read and print .pdf (portable document files) from Internet
Pp8to7.exe Application file to convert Powerpoint 97 to Powerpoint 95 Use to convert and read PPT97 files with PPT95 software
Pp8trans.exe Application file to translate Powerpoint 97 files to Powerpoint 4.0 Use to convert and read PPT97 files with PPT4.0 software
Wd97vwr.exe Application file to install Microsoft Word Viewer 97 Use to view MS Word 97 files with an earlier Word version
Wrd97cnv.exe Application file to install Microsoft Word 97 converter Allows Microsoft Word 6.0 and 95 to read MS Word 97 files
USFS Manuals 5100a.rtf Draft USFS Fire Use Manual Reference for agency manual (will be replaced and superceded by final signed manual)
WFIP Example MSCwfip.doc Example of a WFIP completed in 1998 using the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Management Policy, Implementation Procedures Reference Guide information (MS Word 97) Presents an example of completed checklists and forms
MSCwfip.rtf Same (rich text format) Same

If any problems are encountered or for additional information, contact

Tom Zimmerman
National Park Service
3833 South Development Ave.
Boise, ID 83705
(208) 387-5215
Or   Dave Bunnell
USDA Forest Service
3833 South Development Ave.
Boise, ID 83705
(208) 387-5218