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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Browse

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By Audience

Information Professionals  |  Health Professionals  |  Public

By Title

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Title: F

Finding Easy-to-Read and Multilingual Materials for your Patrons
Do you serve people with low reading skills or limited English language proficiency? For these library users, health information may look like a jumble of complicated words, technical jargon and difficult instructions. Quality health information is essential for making good healthcare decisions, but much of the readily available health information is written at a reading level that is too difficult for many to understand. For patrons who need information in other languages, the problem is even worse. This webinar will identify appropriate sources for quality multilingual health information and understandable health information that is written in plain English, plus search strategies for finding specific topics in these formats. Attendees will hear new ideas for targeting specific user groups and enhancing services through innovative community partnerships. The webinar content will be useful for public and hospital librarians, library staff and anyone who provides health information to members of the public with these special information needs.

Finding Health Information Online
an online tutorial to be used to teach new users to the Internet how to use search engines to find health information, and how to evaluate the information they find.

Finding Native Health Info Online
Whether you are a community health care worker, a librarian, or just want to be informed, this hands-on class will show you the best places to find Native health information on the Internet. You will learn how to search for and acquire journal articles to find the latest research being done on conditions affecting Native populations. You will also find out where to get reliable consumer level information on such topics as traditional healing, environmental health, urban Indian health, tribal and U.S. government health resources, and other general Native health topics. The hands-on class is 2 hours.

First Do No Harm: Basic Strategies for Administering Archival Materials in Health Science Libraries
This course will provide basic strategies for how library staff can arrange, protect, and make use of archival items and collections. Course instructors will discuss the physical arrangement and processing of items found within archival or manuscript collections, basic protection procedures to preserve original items, handling and administration of archival materials during reference and research use, and how to make holdings known to the broader library and archives community. This course will help improve the quality of health sciences library services. It will help librarians to acquire new knowledge and skills in health sciences librarianship; transition from one area of library practice to another; acquire a greater depth of knowledge in an area of health sciences librarianship; and improve their ability to manage health science information resources.

From Snake Oil to Penicillin: Evaluating Consumer Health Information on the Internet
Course Description: Distance Learning Course This interactive course will introduce participants to issues surrounding the quality of health information resources on the internet. Participants will be provided with a set of recommended criteria to be used to evaluate health information websites. Objectives: *Become familiar with unique issues surrounding health information on the internet. *Understand the nature of web-based resources and why people post information to the internet. *Evaluate health information web sites using a set of criteria provided so that you can determine whether or not the sites are trustworthy sources of health information. This is an online, asynchronous, instructor-led class using Moodle. Class size is limited, registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Full Text and PubMed
Information on accessing full text articles from the links in PubMed. This trifold brochure is in PDF format and provides a text box to allow libraries to add their own local information.

Funding Information: Grant Information Resources
There are many sources of funding available to librarians. Includes information on skills needed for "Proposal Writing" and articles on funding.

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