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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Browse

By Content

PubMed®  |  Entrez  |  Loansome Doc  |  MedlinePlus  |  LocatorPlus  |  Gateway  |  |  TOXNET®  |  DOCLINE  |  MeSH  |  Other NLM  |  Non NLM  |  Consumer Health  |  Public Health  |  Health Services Research  |  Internet/World Wide Web  |  Other

By Format

Webcast  |  Archive  |  Class  |  Distance Learning Class  |  Directory  |  Discussion  |  Factsheet  |  Handout  |  Manual  |  Newsletter  |  Pamphlet  |  Portal  |  Search Engine  |  Tutorial  |  Workbook  |  Presentations  |  Audio/Visual Material

By Audience

Information Professionals  |  Health Professionals  |  Public

By Title

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S  | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Title: N

National Center on Biotechnology Information (NCBI) News
A newsletter to inform the scientific community of NCBI's research activities and availability of new databases and software services.

National Library of Medicine (NLM) Technical Bulletin
The electronic newsletter for the National Library of Medicine's web-based databases and information.

NER'eastah Blog
Newsletter/Blog covering the activities of the National Network/ Libraries of Medicine New England Regional Medical Library Program for the states of MA, CT, RI, NH, VT, and ME.

NICHSR Introduction to HSR: Class Manual
This manual is used in conjunction with the course also found at "" and is designed to provide health sciences librarians with a greater appreciation of the issues and methodologies of health services research in order to support and partner health services researchers.

NIH MedlinePlus Magazine
NIH MedlinePlus Magazine is a new quarterly guide for patients and their families. It brings the latest and most authoritative medical and healthcare information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as featured online on the MedlinePlus website. "Need Adobe Acrobat to read PDF documents."

NLM Fact Sheets
These are one-two page descriptions of NLM programs and services. See this web site for the extensive listing of these publications. Updated frequently and available for printing free of charge.

NLM Gateway Brochure [PDF]
This informational brochure, in trifold format, explains the basic elements of the NLM Gateway which allows users to search multiple databases of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Adobe Acrobat (PDF) is required to print the brochure.

NLM Training: PubMed
This full day class is designed to teach students how to use PubMed accurately and efficiently to search MEDLINE. It also includes an overview of the Medical Subject headings (MeSH) and its importance as a tool to both searchers and indexers. This is a free class. This course has been approved for 7.5 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits. To register online go to /request.html

NLM Training: The NLM Gateway and
This half day class is designed to teach individuals the NLM Gateway and This course has been approved for 3.5 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits. To register online go to /request.html

NLM's Applying Subheadings and Other Features of the MeSH Database
Third animated tutorial in a series of three tutorials about using PubMed's MeSH Database. This 4-minute tutorial explains applying subheadings and other features of PubMed's MeSH Database.

NLM's Branching Out: The MeSH Vocabulary
This is a video produced by the National Library of Medicine highlighting many of the features and functions of the controlled vocabulary known as MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). MeSH is used by online searchers, indexers, and catalogers. A copy for viewing is available for loan from your National Network of Libraries of Medicine (RML) office. Please call 1-800-338-7657 for further information.

NLM's Combining MeSH Terms Using the MeSH Database
Second animated tutorial in a series of three about using PubMed's MeSH Database. This 3-minute tutorial explains how to combine MeSH terms using PubMed's MeSH Database.

NLM's Consumer Health Databases
the National Library of Medicine has produced a number of databases designed for the general public. These databases range from health information to environmental conditions that impact health. This 4 hour hands-on course is designed to be an overview of these databases. These databases can also be taught as a single class, individual modules, or combined for specific needs.

NLM's MedlinePlus Tour
This tour from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) of MedlinePlus introduces users to the content of MedlinePlus.

NLM's PubMed Simple Subject Search Example
This one minute tutorial from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) demonstrates how to perform a basic sinple MEDLINE search.

NLM's PubMed Tutorial
Online interactive tutorial introducing users to the functions and search features of PubMed produced by National Library of Medicine (NLM).

NLM's Quick Tour on Searching by Journal in PubMed
A five-minute NLM Quick Tour of how to search for a journal in PubMed.

NLM's Quick Tour: Customize the display of your NLM Gateway seach results
This 2-minute tutorial demonstrates the ability to customize the display of your NLM Gateway search results.

NLM's Quick Tour: Saving Searches with My NCBI
This 4 minute tutorial will demonstrate how to save a search strategy in My NCBI.

NLM's Searching by Author In the NLM Catolog
Enhanced Author searching techniques in MEDLINE are demonstrated.

NLM's Searching by Corporate Author or Conference
4-minute tutorial on searching by the data field "Corporate Author" or "Conference".

NLM's Searching by Series in the NLM Catalog
How to search for Series publications in the NLM Catalog.

NLM's Searching PubMed by Author and Subject
Author and Subject searching techniques are demonstrated.

NLM's Searching with NLM LOCATORplus - Online Help
Collection of tutorials on searching LocatorPlus.

Non-English Guides to PubMed
A collaboration of the NN/LM Outreach Librarians, this on-going project centralizes links to tutorials, guides, brochures and handouts on PubMed in languages other than English.

Nursing on the Net: Health Care Resources You Can Use
Looking for the latest developments in patient care but finding too much, too little or inadequate information? This course is designed for librarians responsible for information services to the Nursing and Allied Health professions. Participants will learn to use and evaluate web based health information resources, find online news services, continuing online education courses, and consumer health web sites. Participants will also learn to search the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database of over 18 million citations using the PubMed interface. This course will also cover MedlinePlus the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. This class is available in person and via distance learning.

Nutrition in Pregnancy
A short video to educate patients on nutritional needs during pregnancy.

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