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Title: H

Handout Distance Education
This tri-fold brochure includes information on tutorials from NNLM, as well as additional online resources from the MidContinental Region including a CD-ROM and NetLibrary access.

Health Information for Kids and Teens and Seniors, Oh My!
Whether it's reading a funny story about germs and hand washing to preschoolers or helping a senior citizen learn about an upcoming surgery, providing health information is a common and very important task for librarians. Much attention is given to topics such as best practices for the health reference interview, cultural sensitivity and health literacy. But what are best practices for serving users in different age groups? How do the needs of a teenager differ from a senior citizen? What are some ways to engage users through fun and interactive programs, regardless of age? This webinar will explore the health information needs and information seeking behaviors of kids, teens, boomers and seniors. You will discover some new resources and some tricks in getting to fantastic resources for different age groups using MedlinePlus. We will present resources for fun, interactive, quality health programming for all ages and also discuss strategies for partnering with a variety of organizations and schools in your community. Keep your users informed about their health, and have some fun along the way!

Health Information on the Internet: Focus on Racial/Ethnic Resources
On this web site one will find a trifold with a list of consumer health web sites that provide culturally competent health information focusing on health concerns of the Asian Americans. Trifolds are in "Rich text format (RTF)

Health Information on the Internet: Focus on Racial/Ethnic Resources
On this web site one will find a series of four trifolds with a list of consumer health web sites that provide culturally competent health information focusing on health concerns of the four federally designated racial and ethnic groups--African, Latino, Native and Asian Americans. Trifolds are in "Rich text format (RTF)

Health Literacy: New Fields, New Opportunities
This tutorial outlines the challenges and the roles for the health literacy practitioners.

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