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Format: Webcast

Dr. Stuart Nelson from NLM gives a 19 minute presentation on DailyMed which provides high quality information about marketed drugs. The information in DailyMed includes FDA approved labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information providers and the public with a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts.

MLA 2008 NLM Theater Presentations
The various presentations concerning NLM products and services held in the NLM Booth at MLA Chicago 2008 are available. The presentations range in various time lengths and are available in the Adobe Connect format

Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) Basics
This is a Web-based learning program that will educate you about the basic principles of the UMLS.

A Younger Generation of Older Adults: Health Information for Boomers
What is different about the Baby Boomer population when it comes to health information? The boomer group is a moving target; the youngest are now just over 40, and the oldest boomers are approaching retirement age. They may have children and be caregivers for aging parents at the same time. Because boomers tend to be more educated, more tech-savvy, and more interested in health, wellness and fitness than prior generations, their health information needs are varied and substantial. Additionally, boomers often turn to a search engine first rather than the family physician for health information. This webcast highlights issues faced by boomers and provide some great tips and resources for the library staff who serve them. This webcast is the archived version of a session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webcast, an audio podcast file, handouts and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Communicating about Health: Empowering Patrons to Communicate with Their Health Care Providers
Health questions are routinely asked at the reference desk, and often information is provided with additional encouragement to discuss the findings with the patron’s doctor. However, communicating with the health care provider may not be easy for many people for a variety of reasons. How can patients ask all of their questions if they only see the doctor for just five or ten minutes? What if there are cultural or language barriers? What can libraries or other information providers do to help people be active participants in their own health care? This webcast is geared to libraries and organizations that provide health information to the public, covering issues and resources around the topic of communication between patients and their health care team. The webcasts focuses on issues concerning barriers to communication, the complexity of the health care system, end-of-life issues, patient safety and patient rights. Participants will learn about the best resources and most effective strategies to help patrons learn about communicating with their health care providers in order to take an active role in their health. This webcast is the archived version of a session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webcast, an audio podcast file, handouts and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Finding Easy-to-Read and Multilingual Materials for your Patrons
Do you serve people with low reading skills or limited English language proficiency? For these library users, health information may look like a jumble of complicated words, technical jargon and difficult instructions. Quality health information is essential for making good healthcare decisions, but much of the readily available health information is written at a reading level that is too difficult for many to understand. For patrons who need information in other languages, the problem is even worse. This webinar will identify appropriate sources for quality multilingual health information and understandable health information that is written in plain English, plus search strategies for finding specific topics in these formats. Attendees will hear new ideas for targeting specific user groups and enhancing services through innovative community partnerships. The webinar content will be useful for public and hospital librarians, library staff and anyone who provides health information to members of the public with these special information needs.

Health Information for Kids and Teens and Seniors, Oh My!
Whether it's reading a funny story about germs and hand washing to preschoolers or helping a senior citizen learn about an upcoming surgery, providing health information is a common and very important task for librarians. Much attention is given to topics such as best practices for the health reference interview, cultural sensitivity and health literacy. But what are best practices for serving users in different age groups? How do the needs of a teenager differ from a senior citizen? What are some ways to engage users through fun and interactive programs, regardless of age? This webinar will explore the health information needs and information seeking behaviors of kids, teens, boomers and seniors. You will discover some new resources and some tricks in getting to fantastic resources for different age groups using MedlinePlus. We will present resources for fun, interactive, quality health programming for all ages and also discuss strategies for partnering with a variety of organizations and schools in your community. Keep your users informed about their health, and have some fun along the way!

Understanding Health Literacy: Why It Is So Important and What Librarians Can Do to Help
According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, more than a third of adult Americans have trouble understanding basic medical information. Health literacy is the notion that a person is able to obtain, understand, and act on information provided about a health topic or medication. Low or limited health literacy can result in a patient's misunderstanding of a diagnosis or treatment options, medication errors, or poor health outcomes in general. Providing quality health information is not enough. The ability to read - and understand - is necessary in order to make decisions and take action. This webinar will examine the related issues of literacy and health literacy and how it relates to health outcomes for millions of Americans. Several eye-opening examples will demonstrate how low literacy impacts the healthcare of actual patients. Attendees will learn strategies for finding appropriate, understandable health information, the meaning of "easy-to-read" designations, and resources for helping users communicate better with their healthcare providers. The session will conclude with ideas for programming and partnerships to benefit your community. The webinar content will be useful for public and hospital librarians and staff and anyone who provides health information to members of the public.

An In-depth Look at MedlinePlus
Library users routinely ask tough health questions at the reference desk, and often the first place that librarians start is MedlinePlus. Nearly all library staff members are familiar with this important health information resource, but there is much more to than meets the eye. Please join us as we explore the nooks and crannies of the site and share tips for tweaking your search to pull out the nuggets of information for your library users! This webinar is geared to library reference staff, but will also be useful to anyone who wants to use MedlinePlus to its full potential. The webinar will begin with a top-level view of MedlinePlus and how it differs from popular search engines and commercial health websites. What follows is an in-depth breakdown of the site, including some great ready-reference resources and other useful features. Participants will see search techniques that unlock the power of MedlinePlus, and will learn about new content areas that will provide answers to those difficult health reference questions. There is sure to be something new and useful for everyone! Note: Due to a recording glitch, there is about a 1 minute of silence after the introduction before the presenter begins. This webinar is the archived version of a live, interactive session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webinar, and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Beyond MedlinePlus: Resources That Answer Those Other Tough Health Reference Questions
For health-related questions, knowing the best resource is a key component of providing exceptional reference services. MedlinePlus is a great place to start for many questions, but where do you turn for those other difficult questions? For example, library users might want to know about specifics about how a medication will affect breastfeeding and if there are better alternatives. They may ask to see new research studies on experimental treatments for cancer. Or a question might be about toxic substances in plastic bottles, or the likelihood of whether a particular disease will be passed on to children. At times, librarians will be asked to search for a full-text article from a medical journal that can be printed right at the library. This webinar provides a look at free, high-quality resources that will answer these and many other difficult health-related questions. The session will be useful for public librarians and staff, hospital librarians, health educators, nurses and anyone who provides health information to members of the public. Learning about these resources will provide attendees with a robust "bag of tricks" to take your reference services to the next level. This webinar is the archived version of a live, interactive session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webinar, a resource list, and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

I Do Not Give Medical Advice; I Dispense Quality Health Information
In the day-to-day work of the reference librarian, the health reference interview presents one of the most challenging scenarios. What determines a successful outcome, both for the library user and the librarian? Is the experience better, worse, or simply different for public librarians as compared with hospital or medical librarians? This session presents the differences between regular reference and health reference, with a focus on strategies for providing excellent consumer health reference services in both medical and public library settings. This webinar is the archived version of a live, interactive session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webinar, an audio podcast file, and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Partners in Information Access for Public Health Professionals
This is a joint project amongst several agencies to provide public health professionals with timely, convenient access to information resources. See Comment field for list of agencies.

Search Clinic: Chemicals & Drugs in PubMed®
Learn how to find articles about a chemical or drug of interest. On August 23, 2007 the U.S. National Library of Medicine hosted a 45-minute online search clinic on how the NLM MeSH vocabulary is used to describe substance concepts and how to search PubMed® for relevant substance articles.

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