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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Browse

By Content

PubMed®  |  Entrez  |  Loansome Doc  |  MedlinePlus  |  LocatorPlus  |  Gateway  |  |  TOXNET®  |  DOCLINE  |  MeSH  |  Other NLM  |  Non NLM  |  Consumer Health  |  Public Health  |  Health Services Research  |  Internet/World Wide Web  |  Other

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Webcast  |  Archive  |  Class  |  Distance Learning Class  |  Directory  |  Discussion  |  Factsheet  |  Handout  |  Manual  |  Newsletter  |  Pamphlet  |  Portal  |  Search Engine  |  Tutorial  |  Workbook  |  Presentations  |  Audio/Visual Material

By Audience

Information Professionals  |  Health Professionals  |  Public

By Title

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Title: E

Easy-to-Read Health and Wellness Material for Consumers: recognizing it, finding it, writing it, rewriting it
Learn in a hands-on environment--in the large group and break-out groups, to critique, rewrite and create materials that get your health and wellness information across quickly and clearly. We'll review the disconnect between information providers and information seekers, the process of educating adults, the success of "plain language" initiatives and the importance of text, type, graphics, space and layout. In this workshop you will also be provided brochure examples, SMOG and REALM tests, a webliography and links to other training. During the workshop you will edit pieces so that at the conclusion you'll have new awareness, new skills, a new product and access to further resources. Clear health communication is the goal, regardless of medium.

Ejournal Resources
This web site is a compendium of various types of information covering the topic of ejournals. Projects, Collection Development, Providers and Ejournal Discussion Lists are a few of the concepts covered.

Evidence Based Medicine Information
Tutorial to acquaint one with Evidence Based Medicine.

Evidence based Public Health Nursing (EBPHN) Tutorial
This tutorial is made up of 6 training modules that were developed by librarians and nurses in order to enhance the search skills of public health nurses as they search for evidence based public health nursing information.

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