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Content: TOXNET®

Importing TOXLINE Special Citations into Reference Manager.
A 2-minute online tutorial developed by the Specialized Information Services (SIS) designed to guide useres with importing TOXLINE Special citations into the bibliographic organizer Reference Manager. ***Uses Macromedia's Flash Player

Manual Used in Training on Toxicology & Environmental Health Web Resources
Training materials used in the one-day training module for the NLM Chemical/Toxicology databases. These workbooks are available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat PDF, and Microsoft PowerPoint See "TOXNET On the Web" for class information.

MLA 2008 NLM Theater Presentations
The various presentations concerning NLM products and services held in the NLM Booth at MLA Chicago 2008 are available. The presentations range in various time lengths and are available in the Adobe Connect format

National Library of Medicine (NLM) Technical Bulletin
The electronic newsletter for the National Library of Medicine's web-based databases and information.

NLM Fact Sheets
These are one-two page descriptions of NLM programs and services. See this web site for the extensive listing of these publications. Updated frequently and available for printing free of charge.

Quick Tour of NLM's Environmental Health and Toxicology Resources
This 4-minute tutorial is an over view of the resources available from the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program. It highlights databases created for the public and databases created for the researcher or scientist. "On the right hand side of the page click on the movie projector icon."

Resources for Science Teachers
Need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Classroom resources for teachers and students at the high school and college level. The classroom resources are from the National Library of Medicine and cover biology, chemistry, genetics, spanish language resources, careers, environmental science and health.

Toxicology Tutorials
The Toxicology Tutorials are comprised of three tutorials produced by the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program of the National Library of Medicine. They are written to provide a basic understanding of toxicology as an aide for users of toxicology literature contained in NLM's Chemical and Toxicological databases.

TOXNET and Beyond
One day class offered by the National Training Center & Clearinghouse to convey the basics of searching the TOXNET system, a collection of web-based databases in the areas of toxicology, environmental health and related subjects. This class is offered at various sites throughout the United States and at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, MD. This is a free class but you must register ( 7 Medical Library Association Continuing Education Credits.

Links to news items on the TOXNET web site. Includes calendars, Outreach Activities, lecture guides, additional news sources and archives.

LactMed Basics
This phamplet describes and helps users search LactMed. LactMed is a free online database for breastfeeding mothers with information on the effects of drugs on lactation. Learn about drug levels, possible drugs effects on the infant, and alternative medications.

NLM's Consumer Health Databases
the National Library of Medicine has produced a number of databases designed for the general public. These databases range from health information to environmental conditions that impact health. This 4 hour hands-on course is designed to be an overview of these databases. These databases can also be taught as a single class, individual modules, or combined for specific needs.

TOXNET Overview [PPT]
This PowerPoint presentation is designed to give an introduction to the TOXNET suite of databases. (This 2.8 MB file is in PPT format. Revised in January 2006.)

TOXNET: Environmental Health and Toxicology
The Toxnet system of databases and databanks is a product of NLM’s Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP). It is a FREE web-based integrated system of databases on toxicology, environmental health, hazardous chemicals, toxic releases, chemical nomenclature, and specialty areas such as occupational health and consumer products

TOXNET: Toxicology and Environmental Information
This in an introductory class on the TOXNET databases for inexperienced users. Participants will learn about the different databases available on TOXNET and what type of information is available in each database.

Beyond MedlinePlus: Resources That Answer Those Other Tough Health Reference Questions
For health-related questions, knowing the best resource is a key component of providing exceptional reference services. MedlinePlus is a great place to start for many questions, but where do you turn for those other difficult questions? For example, library users might want to know about specifics about how a medication will affect breastfeeding and if there are better alternatives. They may ask to see new research studies on experimental treatments for cancer. Or a question might be about toxic substances in plastic bottles, or the likelihood of whether a particular disease will be passed on to children. At times, librarians will be asked to search for a full-text article from a medical journal that can be printed right at the library. This webinar provides a look at free, high-quality resources that will answer these and many other difficult health-related questions. The session will be useful for public librarians and staff, hospital librarians, health educators, nurses and anyone who provides health information to members of the public. Learning about these resources will provide attendees with a robust "bag of tricks" to take your reference services to the next level. This webinar is the archived version of a live, interactive session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webinar, a resource list, and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Tox Town
This is an interactive web page guiding one to commonly encountered toxic substances, and interactions with your health and the environment. A new feature has been added to the Toxtown web site--Tox City. To experience the "interactivity," you need Macromedia Flash Player, a plug-in for web browsers.

Resources for Science Teachers

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