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Content: PubMed®

MEDLINE/PubMedResources Guide
These resources provide detailed information about MEDLINE data and searching PubMed.

MLA 2008 NLM Theater Presentations
The various presentations concerning NLM products and services held in the NLM Booth at MLA Chicago 2008 are available. The presentations range in various time lengths and are available in the Adobe Connect format

My NCBI-Filters
This 7 minute tutorial demonstrates the filters feature which allows a searcher to group search results by areas of interest.

National Library of Medicine (NLM) Technical Bulletin
The electronic newsletter for the National Library of Medicine's web-based databases and information.

NLM Fact Sheets
These are one-two page descriptions of NLM programs and services. See this web site for the extensive listing of these publications. Updated frequently and available for printing free of charge.

NLM's Applying Subheadings and Other Features of the MeSH Database
Third animated tutorial in a series of three tutorials about using PubMed's MeSH Database. This 4-minute tutorial explains applying subheadings and other features of PubMed's MeSH Database.

NLM's Combining MeSH Terms Using the MeSH Database
Second animated tutorial in a series of three about using PubMed's MeSH Database. This 3-minute tutorial explains how to combine MeSH terms using PubMed's MeSH Database.

NLM's MedlinePlus Tour
This tour from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) of MedlinePlus introduces users to the content of MedlinePlus.

NLM's PubMed Simple Subject Search Example
This one minute tutorial from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) demonstrates how to perform a basic sinple MEDLINE search.

NLM's PubMed Tutorial
Online interactive tutorial introducing users to the functions and search features of PubMed produced by National Library of Medicine (NLM).

NLM's Quick Tour on Searching by Journal in PubMed
A five-minute NLM Quick Tour of how to search for a journal in PubMed.

NLM's Quick Tour: Saving Searches with My NCBI
This 4 minute tutorial will demonstrate how to save a search strategy in My NCBI.

NLM's Searching by Author In the NLM Catolog
Enhanced Author searching techniques in MEDLINE are demonstrated.

NLM's Searching by Corporate Author or Conference
4-minute tutorial on searching by the data field "Corporate Author" or "Conference".

NLM's Searching PubMed by Author and Subject
Author and Subject searching techniques are demonstrated.

Advanced PubMed Searching Resource Packet
This Word document provides charts for MeSH subheading abbreviations (including major search tags and field qualifiers), subset codes, publication types and stop words. Links to the original location in the PubMed Help manual are included. The entire packet or individual pages may be used as a handout or factsheet in advanced PubMed classes.

Basics of PubMed
This is a PowerPoint slide tool whose objectives are to understand the purpose and content of PubMed, be able to perform a basic search in PubMed, and to become familiar with some of PubMed's special features, ie. Related Articles, Journal Links to Full Text and MyNCBI.

Full Text and PubMed
Information on accessing full text articles from the links in PubMed. This trifold brochure is in PDF format and provides a text box to allow libraries to add their own local information.

Getting Started with LinkOut
This site contains information and materials for a 2-hour class, 4 hour class with hands-on designed to provide step-by-step direction on how to activate LinkOut for a library's print and electronic journal collections, so that users are able to view holdings and access full-text through the PubMed interface. The class is also availabe as an 3-hour (2.5 hour sessions with homework between sessions)ONLINE Class. Topics covered are registration for LinkOut, entering holdings, displaying a library's icon for branding purposes, and access to free full-text through LinkOut.

Handout Distance Education
This tri-fold brochure includes information on tutorials from NNLM, as well as additional online resources from the MidContinental Region including a CD-ROM and NetLibrary access.

Introducing Health Professionals to NLM's Online Systems
A collection of links concerning the National Library Medicine (NLM) and the National Network Of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)to documents, program outlines and course descriptions.

Keeping Up with PubMed
With a hands-on approach, this class will show attendees how to use the features of PubMed effectively. Attendees will be able to describe the contents of PubMed; formulate basic search strategies; display, print, and save results in various formats; revise and refine searches; and use special features such as Related Articles, Link to journals, Citation Matcher, and Clinical Queries. The instructor will demonstrate online searches and students, at computers connected to the Internet, will be invited to follow along. Time for individual practice will be provided. 4 MLA CEUs

Library LinkOut Survival Guide
LinkOut is the PubMed program that allows publishers and aggregators (providers) to display the links to full text and other resources you see on PubMed citations. A component of this program, LinkOut for Libraries, enables libraries to display their icons on the Abstract and Citation formats in PubMed. This allows patrons of participating libraries to see which articles they can obtain electronically in full text and link to them directly.

Loansome Doc Trifold

Making PubMed Work for You
This 2.5 or 3.5 hour class for librarians is intended to hone basic searching techniques and the ability to develop search strategies that will take advantage of the PubMed interface to MEDLINE. The course will explore various methods for searching the PubMed system. Topics covered include Automatic Term Mapping, Search Results, Features Bar, Related Articles, My NCBI, Searching with MESH, Journal Database, and Single Citation Matcher. This course will provide an overview of the system and demonstrate utilizing the features of PubMed to search effectively. The 3.5-hour version of the course provides the attendees with hands-on opportunities to practice their search techniques. This course has been approved for 2.5 or 3.5 hours of Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits.

MidContinental Region News Blog
Newsletter/Blog of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Midcontinental Region covering the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri.

Non-English Guides to PubMed
A collaboration of the NN/LM Outreach Librarians, this on-going project centralizes links to tutorials, guides, brochures and handouts on PubMed in languages other than English.

Nursing on the Net: Health Care Resources You Can Use
Looking for the latest developments in patient care but finding too much, too little or inadequate information? This course is designed for librarians responsible for information services to the Nursing and Allied Health professions. Participants will learn to use and evaluate web based health information resources, find online news services, continuing online education courses, and consumer health web sites. Participants will also learn to search the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database of over 18 million citations using the PubMed interface. This course will also cover MedlinePlus the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. This class is available in person and via distance learning.

PubMed Basics Brochure
Covers basic features of NLM's PubMed. Available in PDF format that can be used to produce tri-fold brochure.

PubMed Clinics of North America: A Problem-based Approach to PubMed Searching
The workshop will focus on a problem-based approach in learning to search the PubMed database. Through case studies, group exercises and hands-on practice, participants will become more efficient PubMed searchers. The class is geared for intermediate and advanced PubMed searchers. The class is available as three, four or six hours sessions. 3, 4 or 6 MLA CEUs.

PubMed Expert Searching Class and Sample Manual
Expert searching includes more sophisticated use of PubMed tools such as field qualifiers, the preview/index feature, and creating links for a library web page. Greater knowledge of the Medline database and indexing vocabulary is also necessary in making expert search decisions. The class takes on a train the trainer focus to help participants translate these advanced searching techiniques to other users. The class builds upon the user's own knowledge of searching to use PubMed more effectively. (This is provided as a Microsoft Word document.)

PubMed for Experts
Designed as an advanced class for experienced MEDLINE searchers. This hands-on class will highlight advanced PubMed techniques that can be used to conduct comprehensive searches. Attendees are encouraged to contribute past and present difficult searches to discuss with the class.

PubMed for the Rest of Us
This class covers basic searching; easy techniques for developing complex search strategies; PubMed's special features, such as Limits and the Clipboard; the Journals Database; the Single Citation Matcher; and MyNCBI. It also covers how to obtain full-text copies of articles.(3 MLA CE)

PubMed Search Tags & Field Qualifiers Guide
This guide (in .doc Microsoft Word format) lists the major search tags and field qualifiers for advanced PubMed searching for easy reference. The guide is intended to be customized with your library's logo and contact information, folded in half and laminated. It also makes a nice one page handout. Or better yet... customize it and post it on your Web site.

Searching PubMed with MeSH [PDF]
A trifold phamplet (hand out) highlighting major aspects of the MeSH controlled vocabulary.

The PubMed� Game: Designed for librarians & library staff
The PubMed� Game is primarily used for the PubMed for Experts class in order to review PubMed commands, search features, etc. It can be used and adapted for other situations. One board is made up of five by five categories and questions. The other shorter version is made up of five categories with four sets of questions.

Beyond MedlinePlus: Resources That Answer Those Other Tough Health Reference Questions
For health-related questions, knowing the best resource is a key component of providing exceptional reference services. MedlinePlus is a great place to start for many questions, but where do you turn for those other difficult questions? For example, library users might want to know about specifics about how a medication will affect breastfeeding and if there are better alternatives. They may ask to see new research studies on experimental treatments for cancer. Or a question might be about toxic substances in plastic bottles, or the likelihood of whether a particular disease will be passed on to children. At times, librarians will be asked to search for a full-text article from a medical journal that can be printed right at the library. This webinar provides a look at free, high-quality resources that will answer these and many other difficult health-related questions. The session will be useful for public librarians and staff, hospital librarians, health educators, nurses and anyone who provides health information to members of the public. Learning about these resources will provide attendees with a robust "bag of tricks" to take your reference services to the next level. This webinar is the archived version of a live, interactive session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webinar, a resource list, and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Evidence based Public Health Nursing (EBPHN) Tutorial
This tutorial is made up of 6 training modules that were developed by librarians and nurses in order to enhance the search skills of public health nurses as they search for evidence based public health nursing information.

NLM Training: PubMed
This full day class is designed to teach students how to use PubMed accurately and efficiently to search MEDLINE. It also includes an overview of the Medical Subject headings (MeSH) and its importance as a tool to both searchers and indexers. This is a free class. This course has been approved for 7.5 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credits. To register online go to /request.html

Search Clinic: Chemicals & Drugs in PubMed®
Learn how to find articles about a chemical or drug of interest. On August 23, 2007 the U.S. National Library of Medicine hosted a 45-minute online search clinic on how the NLM MeSH vocabulary is used to describe substance concepts and how to search PubMed® for relevant substance articles.

Workbook for the class
This is the workbook used by the National Training Center & Clearinghouse for the one-day PubMed class. Training workbooks are available for downloading in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft ® (MS) Word formats.

Desseminating the Evidence Base in Public Health Nursing
The website promotes the use of evidence in population-based decisions. This website includes links to evidence-based practice resources, online tutorials develped to enhance the search skills of public health nurses as they search for evidence-based public health nursing, and an online Evidence Based Public Health Nursing Disseration Repository.

Evidence Based Medicine Information
Tutorial to acquaint one with Evidence Based Medicine.

Resources for Science Teachers

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