Welcome to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Links to more information
about specific park areas


Links to more resources

Grant Grove area Ash Mountain Foothills area Cedar Grove in the Kings Canyon area Lodgepole Giant Forest area Mineral King area

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If you are planning a trip to Sequoia and Kings Canyon, you may also wish to visit these other Park Service areas:
Yosemite National Park
Devils Postpile National Monument
Death Valley National Park
Manzanar National Historic Site

You may also visit the neighboring national forests that surround much of these national parks:
Sequoia National Forest
Sierra National Forest
Inyo National Forest


Ash Mountain/Foothills || Grant Grove || Cedar Grove in the Kings Canyon ||
Giant Forest/Lodgepole || Mineral King || Natural and Cultural History || Wilderness Office ||
Fire || Black Bears || Sequoia Natural History Association || Sequoia Fund

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Last update: July 14, 2004

Web Site designed by Cathy Purchis Natural and Cultural History Backcountry Information Fire Information Cache Sequoia Natural History Association Sequoia Fund