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Related News Releases.

Spirit's wheels digging into soft ground 5/11/09 - Soft Ground Puts Spirit in Danger Despite Gain in Daily Energy
The five wheels that still rotate on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit have been slipping severely in soft soil during recent attempts to drive, sinking the wheels about halfway into the ground.

view of Mars Science Lab model on Photosynth 5/7/09 - NASA Releases Interactive 3-D Views of Space Station, New Mars Rover
NASA released an interactive, 3-D photographic collection of the International Space Station and a model of the next Mars rover.

Spirit on Mars 4/24/09 - Spirit Resumes Driving While Analysis of Problem Behaviors Continues
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit drove on Thursday for the first time since April 8, acting on commands from engineers who are still investigating bouts of amnesia and other unusual behavior exhibited by Spirit in the past two weeks.

NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit 4/20/09 - Team Continues Analyzing Spirit Computer Reboots and Amnesia Events
After three days of completing Earth-commanded activities without incident last week, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit had a bout of temporary amnesia Friday, April 17, and rebooted its computer Saturday, April 18, behavior similar to events about a week earlier.

dust storm on Mars 4/15/09 - Mars Spacecraft Teams on Alert for Dust-Storm Season
Heading into a period of the Martian year prone to major dust storms, the team operating NASA's twin Mars rovers is taking advantage of eye-in-the-sky weather reports.

Spirit saw this view of its surroundings 4/13/09 - Spirit Healthy but Computer Reboots Raise Concerns
The team operating NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit is examining data received from Spirit in recent days to diagnose why the rover apparently rebooted its computer at least twice over the April 11-12 weekend.

North Rim of Endeavour Crater on Horizon 3/18/09 - One Mars Rover Sees a Distant Goal; The Other Takes a New Route
On a plain that stretches for miles in every direction, the panoramic camera on NASA's Mars rover Opportunity has caught a first glimpse on the horizon of the uplifted rim of the big crater that has been Opportunity's long-term destination for six months.

Artist concept of Mars Science Laboratory Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech 3/18/09 - Online Poll for NASA's Mars Rover Naming Contest Opens March 23
NASA will post online nine names that are finalists for the agency's Mars Science Laboratory mission and invite the public to vote for its favorite.

3/5/09 - NASA's Mars Rover Spirit Faces Circuitous Route
Loose soil piled against the northern edge of a low plateau has blocked Spirit from taking the shortest route toward its southward destinations for the upcoming Martian summer and following winter.

Engineering data from Spirit's power subsystem indicated that some dust blew off the rover's solar array on the following day 2/12/09 - Spirit Gets Energy Boost from Cleaner Solar Panels
A small but important uptick in electrical output from the solar panels on Spirit this month indicates a beneficial Martian wind has blown away some of the dust that has accumulated on the panels.

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