National Park Service - Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program
Alaska Region
National Park Service assistance for community conservation
Home Contents NPS AK Region About RTCA-AK Press/Updates
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A trail group looking over map of Rabbit Creek Trail
Scenic shot of boaters enjoying a river trip
IMBA group outing at Kepler-Bradley Lakes Recreation Area
RTCA technician using GPS mapping system
Kevin Keeler mapping Homer area trails via snowmachine

About RTCA Alaska

On this page you will find background and introductory information about our program.

The following links below can also be found in the navigation pane on the left border.

Group enjoying a trail built on a boardwalk through a marshy area.

How We Can Help gives a standard description of the types of work we usually do when assisting in a conservation project.  Under the Projects Page, you will find information on:

Past Projects/Partners


Current Project News


Conservation Successes

Past Projects and Partners is a listing of all our projects from 1990-2001 in order by topic, Current Project News is the place to go to find the newest information on our projects, and Conservation Successes is where to check out past successes, which can serve as models for the future.

Information about the application process for our assistance can be found on the Applying for Assistance Page.  It includes guidelines for applying, information on how to apply, and the National Park Service mission.

Under this section, you will also find a formal description of our program including mission and goals, program authorities and standard info about who we are and what we do.

Lastly, we have a Contact/Staff Info Page, where you will find our mailing/email address and phone numbers as well as some information about our staff.


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Last modified: 02/07