
ဗီြအုိေအ ျမန္မာ ▪ Burmeseယုံၾကည္ရတဲ့သတင္းဌာန

15 ေမ 2009 

ယေန႔ ဗီြအုိေအ »:

ဘာသာစကား ၄၅ မ်ဳိး

ထုတ္လႊင့္ခဲ့ၿပီး ျမန္မာသတင္းမ်ား

အပတ္စဥ္ထုတ္လႊင့္ခဲ့ၿပီးေသာ သတင္းမ်ားကုိ ေအာက္ေဖာ္ျပပါ ႏွစ္၊ လအလုိက္ အပတ္စဥ္နံပါတ္ (ဥပမာ -> 1 = ပထမပတ္) မ်ားကုိ ႏွိပ္၍ ဖတ္ရႈ႔ႏုိင္ပါသည္။

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33 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Iraqi Security Force in Fallujah - 2004-05-01 *
2.  Bush Expresses 'Disgust' at Iraqi Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-01 *
3.  Deadly Attack in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia - 2004-05-01 *
4.  EU Welcomes 10 New Members - 2004-05-01 *


1.  Burmese Military Junta Maintains Tight Hold on Media - 2004-05-02 *
2.  American Hostage in Iraq Found Unharmed - 2004-05-02 *
3.  Philippine Officials Uncover Bomb Plot - 2004-05-02 *
4.  Sharon To Remain Israeli PM Despite Poll Setback - 2004-05-02 *
5.  Burmese Junta Prepares For Forthcoming National Convention - 2004-05-02 *
6.  Top US General Denies Widespread Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners - 2004-05-02 *


1.  Sharon Vows to Pursue Disengagement Plan - 2004-05-03 *


1.  Bush Calls for Punishment in Iraq Prison Abuse - 2004-05-04 *
2.  Asia The World's Biggest Prison for the Press - 2004-05-04 *
3.  Burma Urges US To End Economic Sanctions - 2004-05-04 *
4.  Sharon to Amend Gaza Withdrawal Plan - 2004-05-04 *


1.  Bush Vows Punishment for Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners - 2004-05-06 *
2.  US Senator Criticizes UN Response to Actions of Burmese Government - 2004-05-06 *
3.  Red Cross: US Repeatedly Urged to Take Action at Iraqi Prison - 2004-05-06 *
4.  Burma's Rebel Leader Hospitalized in Bangkok - 2004-05-06 *
5.  Car Bomb in Baghdad Kills 5 Iraqis, 1 US Soldier - 2004-05-06 *
6.  Burmese Refugees Tell Their Success Stories as Students in the US - 2004-05-06 *


1.  Rumsfeld Says He Is Accountable for Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-07 *
2.  US, Shi'ite Militia Clash in Karbala - 2004-05-07 *
3.  Jordan Encouraged US Won't Pre-judge Mideast Peace Talks - 2004-05-07 *
4.  Rumsfeld Takes Responsibility for Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-07 *
5.  Bush Apologizes For Iraqi Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-07 *


1.  Bush: US Committed to Transfer Power in Iraq By June - 2004-05-08 *
2.  Al-Sadr Militiamen Attack British in Basra - 2004-05-08 *
3.  Iraq Prisons Chief Says Abu Ghraib To Remain Open - 2004-05-08 *
4.  Burmese Military Under Pressure To Change Before 2006 ASEAN Summit - 2004-05-08 *
5.  Lawmakers Express Outrage to Rumsfeld Over Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-08 *
6.  Thai PM Vows to Restore Historic Mosque - 2004-05-08 *
7.  Burma Opposition Leaders Discuss Constitutional Convention - 2004-05-08 *
8.  Former Hostage Hamill Arrives Home in Mississippi - 2004-05-08