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Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

E-Licensing Update

The NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program is continuing to grow! Join us for an informal meeting at MLA ‘09 and read about our activities at SCELC’s Vendor Day and at the MLGSCA technology symposium, Technology in Libraries: Providing Access, Linking Communities. (more…)

NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program is formally underway!

The NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program is now a “go” with two STAT!Ref offers underway. (more…)

Announcing the NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program

We are pleased to announce the NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program! The following series of questions and answers will help you decide if you would like to participate in this new venture. These questions and answers are also available on the NN/LM PSR web site on the Licensing Electronic Resources page. Please contact Julie Kwan at the RML office if you have any questions. (more…)