
For more information about the Office of Science Grant Program, go to the Office of Science Grants and Contracts Web Site.


Office of Science

Instructions On The Use Of IIPS


If you would like to receive notifications related to a specific FOA, submit questions on the content of an FOA, or view amendments or questions and answers, you should locate the FOA, and then follow the appropriate directions:

1. Locate Opportunity.

  • Go to the IIPS website at http://e-center.doe.gov and click on "Browse Opportunities", or login in if you are registered.
  • Click on any of the options for viewing the FOA (whichever is easiest for you to locate the FOA).
  • Click on "Enter IIPS".
  • Locate and click on FOA number to view "Synopsis and FOA Information".
  • Click on hyperlink under "File Attachments" or "URL Links" to access the full FOA or program notice.

2. Join FOA Mailing List.

    Click on the "Join FOA Mailing List" button at the top of the page, enter the required information, and submit. After you have joined the list, you should receive an email when a FOA is posted. Even though you have joined the mailing list, you should visit the solicitation page periodically to ensure that you have the latest information.

3. Submit Question on the Content of the FOA.

    Click on the "Submit Question" button at the top and enter required information. You will receive an electronic notification that your question has been answered. DOE/SC will try to respond to a question within 5 days, unless a similar question and answer have already been posted on the website.

4. View Questions and Answers.

    Click on the "View Questions" button at the top of the page. If no questions have been submitted and answered, a statement to that effect will appear at the top of the page. You should periodically check the IIPS website for new questions and answers.


1. Electronic Submission.

    Applications must be submitted through the DOE Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) at http://e-center.doe.gov in accordance with the instructions in the FOA.

2. Electronic Signature.

    Applications submitted through IIPS constitute submission of electronically signed applications. The name of the authorized organizational representative (i.e., the administrative official, who, on behalf of the proposing organization, is authorized to make certifications and assurances or to commit the applicant to the conduct of a project) must be typed in the signature block on the form to be accepted as an electronic signature. A scanned copy of the signed document is not required.

3. IIPS Registration.

    In order to submit an application, you must be authorized by the applicant organization (i.e., institution or business entity) to submit an application on its behalf and you must register in IIPS. You are encouraged to register as soon as possible. You only have to register once to apply for any DOE award. To register:
    • Go to the IIPS website at http://e-center.doe.gov.
    • Click on the "Register" button on the left.
    • Click on the box that says, "Check this box for Acquisitions greater than Simplified Acquisitions threshold or financial assistance" and then click on the radio button next to the "Register only" option.
    • Click on "Proceed to Form."
    • Read the "Security Alert" and click on "Yes" to proceed.
    • Read the "Notice of Disclaimer" and click on "I Accept."
    • Complete the Registration Form.
    • Click on "Submit Registration." You will receive an acknowledgement confirming receipt of your registration.
    • Then you will receive an email confirming successful registration. If you do not receive an email confirmation within one business day, contact the IIPS Help Desk at 1-800-683-0751 and select option or by email at HelpDesk@pr.doe.gov.
    • Note the user name on your confirmation and your password for future reference. You must use this user name and password for any applications submitted in IIPS.

4. Submit Application.

    You are strongly encouraged to submit your application at least 24 hours before the deadline in order to have time to resolve any transmission problems. If you are registered in IIPS, you may use the IIPS test site at http://doe-iips.pr.doe.gov/iips/busopor.nsf/TestSolicitation?OpenView&login to practice submitting an application. You can also access the test site from the link provided at the top of each solicitation page.

    To submit an application, complete the following steps:

      Step 1 - Prepare Application.

        Prepare all of the files in accordance with the instructions in the FOA prior to starting the transmission process. The application is a PDF attachment on the FOA in IIPS. You should submit the entire application package in one IIPS session (i.e., do not logoff before all the files are attached).

      Step 2 - Locate FOA and Create Application.
      • Enter the IIPS website at http://e-center.doe.gov.
      • Click on "Login" button on the left.
      • Click on the radio button that says, "Industry Interactive Procurement System."
      • Enter your user name (as shown on your registration email confirmation) and password. (Note: These are case sensitive.)
      • The "View Opportunities as Sorted by...." screen will appear. Click on one of the choices and locate the FOA. We would suggest you choose the first choice which is "Number". This way you can search by the IIPS FOA number. In order to see more FOA numbers, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Next" button. You may also search by the "Date Posted", the "Program Office", etc.
      • Click on the FOA number and the Synopsis & FOA Information screen will appear.
      • Click on "Create Application" (you may have to scroll to the right to locate the button) and complete the information on the Application Cover Page. Enter the project title and the principal investigator/project director, if any, in the "Subject" blank.

      Step 3 - Attach Files and Submit Application.
      • Click on "Submit Cover Page & Attach Files", complete information, and submit.
      • Click on "Attach Application" link.
      • Attach each file in the corresponding block on the page and then click "Submit."
      • IIPS will provide an acknowledgement.
      • Click on the link on the acknowledgement to verify submission. It will take you to your submission.
      • In order to verify successful transmission at a later date, click on the yellow folder beside the FOA number. Your application should appear.

5. Questions or Problems with Transmission.

    View the "IIPS Frequently Asked Questions" by clicking on the "Help" button. You may also call 1-800-683-0751 and select option 1 or send an email to IIPS_HelpDesk@pr.doe.gov for help with the IIPS system. If you have questions on the content of the FOA, follow the directions for "Submit Question on the Content of the FOA."

6. IIPS User Guide: Additional instructions are available in the IIPS User Guide.

    Click on the "help" button to access the guide.


1. Remove Application or Application File(s) From IIPS.

    To delete or withdraw an application or an application file(s), send an email to the IIPS Help Desk requesting the application or file(s), be removed. Be sure to identify your user name, the applicant's name, and the subject, as shown on the cover page of the application.

2. Submit Revised Application.

    Follow the steps in "Submit Application or Pre-application" to submit a revised application (i.e. cover page and all required files).

3. Submit Revised File.

    After the Help Desk has removed the requested file from your application:
    • Locate the FOA.
    • Click on the yellow folder next to the FOA number.
    • Click on the cover page of your submission, click on the "Attach Application" link, and attach the revised file. In the event that two files, with identical names, are included in an application, the file with the latest transmission date/time stamp will be considered for review, if it is received prior to the deadline.


Applications and amendments of applications must be received by the closing date stated in the FOA. You are encouraged to transmit your application well before the deadline. If you are unable to submit an application through IIPS please contact the Office of the Director, Office of Grants and Contracts Support, Office of Science at (301) 903-5212 in order to gain assistance for submission through IIPS.


You may submit more than one application. Each application must have its own unique title on the subject line (i.e., project title and principal investigator/project director, if any). For each application, you must first click on "Create Proposal" and then complete the information requested.