National Institute for Literacy

[EnglishLanguage 3329] Re: getting started - a discussion on program administration

Erich Lantz lantz at
Mon Jan 12 13:01:15 EST 2009

Kinerney, Donna wrote:

> Which of these roles (leader,

> advocate, program designer, coordinator, and visionary) do you find the

> easiest? Why? What's the most challenging for you? Why is that?

For me, both the advocate and visionary roles are perhaps the easiest:

Advocate- since I work very closely with our clients and with other
adult learners in a relatively small community, I am in an optimal
position to assess and present the various challenges and requirements
of these groups.

Visionary- Again, working in a small community makes this one of the
most fascinating roles; it's an opportunity to research solutions from
other communities and disciplines, and to implement these for the first
time. This opportunity to bring innovation to a relatively new (for this
region) field is partly what drew me to adult education in the first place.

...And the most challenging:

Leader and coordinator- navigating political differences, inter-agency
rivalries, and personal dynamics is still very new to me, especially
when designing a program from scratch. My previous job experience helps
a bit here, though (see below).

In the way of introduction:

I studied French language and literature as an undergraduate and worked
as a laborer in various industries before being hired as an information
technology director of a nonprofit agency. Eventually I became
interested in the potential of technology to improve the state of adult
language education in my native Harrisonburg/Rockingham County VA area,
so I resigned to complete my BA in adult ESL. I was fortunate to locate
a full-time adult ESL job within two years of graduation, and am
currently considering an MA program in instructional technology.

Erich W. Lantz

ESL Specialist
Virginia Council of Churches Refugee Resettlement Program
(540) 433-7942
lantz at

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