National Institute for Literacy

News Flashes

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10 of 1086 pages
April 21, 2009  -   Henry Winkler, Fonzie, tells about fight against dyslexia
'Happy Days' star Henry Winkler battled the debilitating disability
Subject Terms: Dyslexia, Learners, Success
April 20, 2009  -   In pictures: Literacy in Afghanistan
from BBC News
Helping to improve literacy levels in Afghanistan
Subject Terms: Adult literacy, Literacy skills, Women's literacy, Afghanistan
April 20, 2009  -   Literacy means more than reading
from Port Huron Times Herald
As we celebrate National Library Week (April 12-18) we tip our hats to our very own St. Clair County Library System and the 11 branches that serve our residents in many different ways.
Subject Terms: Library literacy programs, Tutoring, Basic skills
April 20, 2009  -   United Nations calls for action on Afghan literacy
from ReliefWeb
Press conference by Shigeru AyoagiI, UNESCO Country Director, Gopal Sharma, UNICEF Deputy Representative and Nazifullah Salarzai, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit
Subject Terms: International literacy, International organizations, Literacy statistics, Afghanistan
April 20, 2009  -   UN agencies launch much needed literacy programmes across Afghanistan
from UN News Centre
The United Nations today announced the launch of a literacy initiative in Afghanistan, which has some of the lowest rates of reading and writing in the world.
Subject Terms: International literacy, International organizations, Literacy statistics, Afghanistan
April 20, 2009  -   Study Suggests Link Between Health Literacy, Happiness
from Newswise
A new University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) study published in the advanced online edition of the journal Social Indicators Research suggests a link between the ease with which older adults can access and understand health information and their happiness.
Subject Terms: Literacy health relationships, Personal wellbeing, Information literacy, Senior citizens
April 20, 2009  -   Activist for the homeless wins health literacy awards
from Irish Medical Times
A campaigner who empowers those sleeping on the streets of Dublin is the winner of the 2009 Crystal Clear MSD Health Literacy Awards.
Subject Terms: Literacy health relationships, Homeless people, Awards and diplomas, Ireland
April 20, 2009  -   Celebrate Global Literacy with The Big Read this week
from Bookmark
This week is UNESCO and the Global Campaign for Education’s Global Action Week promoting youth and adult literacy and lifelong learning.
Subject Terms: Literacy campaigns, International literacy, Reading
April 19, 2009  -   Study Links Household Order to Children's Early Reading Abilities
from Literacy News
Can organizing your home help your child to become a better reader? Maybe.
Subject Terms: Family environment, Reading ability, Child literacy
April 19, 2009  -   Parents Building Foundation for Success by Reading Daily to Their Children
from Literacy News
Eighty-two percent of parents with children 8 years old and younger say they read a book out loud to them daily, according to a study commissioned by Hooked on Phonics(R).
Subject Terms: Parent involvement, Oral reading, Child literacy, Parent child relationships

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