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Open Announcements

Funding Opportunity: EPA-OW-OWM-09-01: FY 2009 Technical Training Support Activities for the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Programs (PDF) (24 pp, 208K) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants to conduct technical training support activities that support the State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs. The technical training support activities are limited to the following two separate activities: (1) plan, prepare, and provide technical training support for two National SRF Infrastructure Financing and Training Workshops, and (2) plan, prepare, and provide training on effective methods to communicate Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) environmental benefits, using environmental benefit data generated from the CWSRF Benefits Reporting (CBR) Initiative. Funds awarded under this announcement for either of the two activities may be used by recipients to promote participation and to support the travel expenses of non-Federal personnel to attend the workshop/workgroup meetings. Closing date: January 14, 2009.

Questions and Answers for EPA-OW-OWM-09-01

Pending Awards

Closed Announcements

Funding Opportunity: EPA-OW-OWM-08-01: Market-based Approaches for Increasing Water Efficiency in the Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Sectors (PDF) (24 pp, 130K). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting applications for a project that will help transform the market for water efficient products or services. The goal of market transformation is to make long-term measurable improvements in the way that participants in the residential, commercial, and institutional market sectors value, provide, choose, or use water-efficient products or services. Participants in these market sectors include manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers. Applications must address the following Project Priority Area: Enhance water efficiency through activities that will increase purchases of water-efficient products and services or improve water management practices in the residential and/or commercial/institutional market sectors. Closing Date was February 15, 2008.

Questions and Answers for EPA-OW-OWM-08-01
Closed February 4, 2008.

Funding Opportunity:EPA-OW-OWM-07-02 Training Workshops for Wastewater Management (PDF) (20 pp, 88K). The U.S. Environmental Projection Agency (EPA) is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants to plan, prepare, and conduct training workshops in a variety of National Priority Workshop Areas related to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. National Priority Workshop Areas include, and are limited to: Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Financing and Training Workshops, Biosolids Regulators Technology and Management Training Workshops, Environmental Management System (EMS) Workshops, National Pretreatment Program Workshops, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Workshop Support. As EPA’s partners in implementing the national programs covering these topics, participation by States, local government officials, and other interested stakeholders is critical to the achievement of the workshop goals. Funds awarded under this announcement may be used by the recipient to promote participation and support the travel expenses of non-Federal personnel to attend the workshops. Closing Date was June 11, 2007.

Questions and Answers for EPA-OW-OWM-07-02 (PDF) (1 p, 11K)
Closed June 11, 2007

EPA ETHICS ADVISORY 96-15 Guidance on Co-Sponsoring Conferences (PDF) (6 pp, 32K) – if a conference is determined to be co-sponsored by EPA, then the provisions addressed in this legal and ethical advisory will apply. Grantees should be familiar with the principles discussed in it.


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