[NIFL-FOBASICS:746] Coming soon: FOB on Curriculum

From: Barbara Garner (barbara_garner@worlded.org)
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 16:25:57 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:746] Coming soon: FOB on Curriculum
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Wondering when your next issue of Focus on Basics will arrive? The next
issue, on curriculum development, is with our designer right now. Our
goal is to have it printed and mailed to states and subscribers at the
beginning of September, and up on the Web then, too. We'll let you know
when this happens.

Thanks to all who responded to my questions about why you subscribe to
this discussion list. Many use it for notices about Focus on Basics'
You can also pose questions to NCSALL researchers about their research
via this list, and ask Focus on Basics authors about the experiences
they have written about in their articles.  We haven't been very
successful in promoting that kind of discussion, but we certainly
encourage it.

Barb Garner
Focus on Basics  

Barbara Garner
Senior Program Officer         email bgarner@worlded.org      
World Education                   phone (617) 482-9485 
44 Farnsworth Street             fax  (617) 482-0617   
Boston, MA  02210

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