[NIFL-FOBASICS:712] RE: Next issue

From: Bennett, Gina (BENNETT@cotr.bc.ca)
Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 11:34:50 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:712] RE: Next issue
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Hi Lil,

Not sure if possibly you might be interested in sending a synopsis of your
research for this publication?


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Garner [mailto:barbara_garner@jsi.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 9:03 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:711] Next issue

I'm just beginning work on Volume 6D of Focus on Basics, which will be on
It will focus on the research that shows that high school is not enough, and
programs that have responded to this by creating programming that
specifically aims to help ABE/ESOL learners make a successful transition
into higher education. If you are running such a program and might like to
write about it for Focus on Basics, or if you have done research that you
feel is related to this topic, please contact me at


Barbara Garner
Senior Program Officer         email bgarner@worlded.org      
World Education                   phone (617) 482-9485 
44 Farnsworth Street             fax  (617) 482-0617   
Boston, MA  02210

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