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Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Webinar on Stimulus Funding for Tech Infrastructure

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

Register for a free webinar on applying for Stimulus Bill funding for library technology infrastructure. It will be held on Tuesday, May 19 at 11am MT, 12 pm CT and last 45 minutes. The presenter is John Windhausen, a Washington DC Based technology consultant. All attendees will receive a free stimulus package information kit. Register at . This webinar is sponsored by Usrful and The Librarian’s Yellow Pages. /ch

New MyDelivery Information Exchange Tool from NLM

Friday, May 8th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine’s Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications has produced MyDelivery, a prototype tool for communicating health and biomedical information.  A result of R&D in Internet communications, MyDelivery enables two individuals to securely exchange information reliably, even through potentially unreliable wireless networks. The email-like user interface allows file attachments to be large in size (several gigabytes) or quantity (several thousand). This tool has potential applications in library document delivery, biomedical research, and HIPAA-compliant communication of patient health information.

MyDelivery is currently in beta testing, and libraries and their customers are invited to use it and provide feedback on its utility. The free registration and Windows client software are available at [da]

NN/LM-MCR Social Bookmarking Project

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

A number of months ago, the NN/LM, MidContinental Region began a social bookmarking project. The goal of the project is to tag resources deemed relevant and useful to our Network members, and make them available to anyone who visits the MCR web site or subscribes to updates via RSS. The project currently relies on a five-member working group to choose resources. We have approximately 45 resources tagged.

We have placed the tag cloud in two different places on the MCR website. Please follow one the these links to view the cloud: or


Technology website page updated

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

The Technology section of the MCR website has been updated, with a new “Technology” tab added at the top menu for convenient access. Visit the technology pages today at to learn about technology classes, methods for keeping up with new technologies, and a list of communication tools. [SD]

Screencasting Tools: Comparison Chart

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

During the April 15, 2009 Breeze session, Rebecca Brown presented a chart that compared a number of features for 8 different freely available screencasting tools. Click here to view that chart in a PDF format.


Add Other Services to Google Search

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

If you install the “Greasemonkey” Firefox plug-in, you can then install a useful script that will add a sidebar to Google search with search results from Youtube, Wikipedia, and You can download Greasemonkey from, and then install the Google sidebar script from I’ve been using this for a couple of weeks, and find it quite handy to have the extra search results on the sidebar! [SD]

Twitter Search Engines

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Did you know you can search Twitter posts without having a Twitter account? Try Twitter search ( or a new search service, Twazzup ( For monitoring multiple Twitter searches in real time, try Twitterfall ( All of these services use Twitter search commands; for a list, see All are free and do not require a Twitter account. [SD]

April Breezing Available Online

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Did you miss the April 15, 2009 Breezing Along with the RML session? It is now available online at:

April’s presentations focused on technology for libraries and librarians.

Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, gave a presentation entitled “Surprised by Twitter: Using Twitter for Information Discovery.” She gave a brief introduction to Twitter, talked about Twitter as a means for libraries and librarians to share information with patrons and colleagues, and then discussed how Twitter can be used to find information through a series of new Twitter search tools. The search tools can be used without signing up for Twitter itself. She provided examples of how Twitter helped her with a recent project.

Rebecca Brown, Kansas and Technology Liaison, presented Screencasting: the what, why and how. Several freely available tools were discussed as well.


MCR Webpages updated

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

A lot of work has been going on updating the MCR web site. Here are just some of the pages that have been reorganized or reviewed to make use of the web site easier.

The Health Information main index page has been redesigned to include information by audience as well as promotional materials. The online tutorial to use in helping novice computer users find and evaluate health information has been updated

The Minority Health index and three of the racial ethnic pages have been updated:

Breezing with the RML - April 15th

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

Join us for our next Breezing with the RML on Wednesday, April 15th at 10 am MT/11 am CT. Follow this URL to join the meeting:

This month’s presentations will focus on technology for libraries and librarians.

Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, will give a presentation entitled “Surprised by Twitter: Using Twitter for Information Discovery.” She’ll give a brief introduction to Twitter, talk about Twitter as a means for libraries and librarians to share information with patrons and colleagues, and then discuss how Twitter can be used to find information through a series of new Twitter search tools. The search tools can be used without signing up for Twitter itself. She’ll give examples of how Twitter helped her with a recent project.

Rebecca Brown, Kansas and Technology Liaison, presents Screencasting: the what, why and how. Several freely available tools will be discussed as well.

See you there.