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Office of International Affairs

Standards and Codes

12 Key Standards and Self Assessments


3. Special Data Dissemination Standard
Description | Standard

The economic turbulence of the last decade underscored the role that information deficiencies can play in contributing to market turmoil. In response, the IMF developed the SDDS to provide guidance on the dissemination of economic and financial data to countries that have, or might seek, access to international capital markets.

Countries subscribing to the SDDS undertake to follow good statistical practices in four dimensions:
  • Data: coverage, periodicity and timeliness of the data disseminated;
  • Access by the public: dissemination of advance release calendars, and simultaneous release of the data;
  • Integrity: disclosing information on laws governing the compilation and release of the data, access to data by other government officials prior to release, ministerial commentary accompanying released data, revision policy, and advance notice of major changes in methodology; and
  • Quality: the dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources, and of other data that support statistical cross checks.
Reporting in accordance with the SDDS has been a cooperative interagency process, involving the Departments of Treasury, Commerce, and Labor, as well as the Federal Reserve Board.

12 Key Standards &Self-Assessments

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