[NIFL-HEALTH:4047] Second Round of Health Literacy and Train-The-Trainer grants

From: Hodorowski, Julie K./Sloan-Kettering Institute (hodorowj@MSKCC.ORG)
Date: Thu Jul 17 2003 - 13:53:22 EDT

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FYI - I thought the grant information might be helpful.

Julie Keany Hodorowski RN, MA
Information Service Manager
NCI's Cancer Information Service of New York
"A program of the National Cancer Institute: Your link to cancer
1-800-4-CANCER  < www.cancer.gov>

-----Original Message-----
From: AMA_Foundation_HealthLit.UM.A.3.1480@unity.ama-assn.org
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 12:54 PM
To: Hodorowski, Julie K./Sloan-Kettering Institute
Subject: Second Round of Health Literacy and Train-The-Trainer grants

The AMA Foundation announces the second round of the 2003 Health
Literacy Grants. The deadline for all grants  is September 30, 2003 at
11:59pm (central-standard time). Grants are available in the following

Medical Societies, Hospital Staff, and Practicing Physicians
Grants are available for programs to advance the field of health
literacy through coalition building with community organizations,
educational institutions, healthcare institutions, and health

Residents and Fellows
Grants are available for research to advance the field of Health
Literacy, with emphasis on interventions to improve the understanding of
health care directions and health outcomes. Proposals directed toward
action-oriented projects that work toward solutions are encouraged

Medical Students
Grants are available to medical students interested in conducting
projects designed to further awareness of the issue through campus or
community activities.

Community Organizations and Alliances
These grants are available for programs to advance the field of health
literacy through coalition building with medical societies, community
organizations, educational healthcare institutions, health professionals
and patients.

Grant applications are available on line at www.amafoundation.org   If
you have
any questions or concerns, Contact Veida Holdman, Program Intern at
veida_holdman@ama-assn.org or (312) 464-4193. 

Train-the-Trainer Program
State, County and Specialty Medical Societies are encouraged to apply
for the AMA Foundation Train-The-Trainer Program. The deadline of August
22, 2003 is quickly approaching.  To be eligible, other organizations
may collaborate with their local or specialty medical society to
participate.  Visit the AMA Foundation website for specific guidelines
and a copy of the application. For additional questions, or concerns,
contact me at the information provided above.


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