[NIFL-HEALTH:3932] Health Literacy Promotion Model

From: hodorowj@mskcc.org
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 13:26:49 EST

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I found an interesting Web site promoting Health Literacy referenced in 
the January/February 2003, "Closing the Gap" newsletter of the Office of 
Minority Health at http://www.omhrc.gov/ctg/ctg_Jan2003.pdf

This Web site includes a section, "Ideas For Collaborating With Health 
Organizations."  It also includes a curriculum that includes  lessons 
developed to meet the educational and health needs of students attending 
health literacy classes. The program was created by Andres Muro of El 
Paso Collaborative. I think it provides a model that could stimulate 
discussion for collaboration between libraries and health related 

The El Paso Collaborative:  Health Literacy Curriculum

Julie Keany Hodorowski RN, MA
Information Service Manager
New York Cancer Information Service Regional Office
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
"A program of the National Cancer Institute: Your link to cancer 
1-800-4-CANCER  < www.cancer.gov>

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