[NIFL-HEALTH:3882] FW: RE: Health & Literacy Mini-Grants

From: Linda S. Potter (lspotter@att.net)
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 10:34:16 EST

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From: "Linda S. Potter" <lspotter@att.net>
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Subject: [NIFL-HEALTH:3882] FW: RE: Health & Literacy Mini-Grants
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I apologize for the personal message which I thought I had FORWARDED.

Linda S. Potter, DrPH
Family Health Research
56 N. Mill Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
tel:  609-716-6365
fax:  609-716-4972
email:  lspotter@att.net

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-health@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-health@nifl.gov]On Behalf Of
Linda S. Potter
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 10:24 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-HEALTH:3881] RE: Health & Literacy Mini-Grants

Hey Ann, I don't know if this interests you at all but just in case...
Also, do check out the www.NIFL.gov website.

I haven't see the Hours yet but just reread mrs dalloway in prep, can't find
my copy of cunningham's book. We did see Adaptation and Chicago though--each
really really good in its own way.  We saw Chicago on stage in NY, with Bebe
Newirth (sp) as Velma. I didn't really like it much but i loved the movie.

I got my application for Campbell. now i'm processing the best timing and
wondering if they want over-50's. the text seemed to be aimed at young folk.
Please give Claire our best and please ask her to give Bill our best best
wishes as well. I hope he is not in too much pain.

I'll check back when I know some more on Campbell.  Is Dusty in a serious
funk right now or just feeling lethargic?  She's a worse correspondent than
I am!


Linda S. Potter, DrPH
Family Health Research
56 N. Mill Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
tel:  609-716-6365
fax:  609-716-4972
email:  lspotter@att.net

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-health@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-health@nifl.gov]On Behalf Of
Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 9:58 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-HEALTH:3880] Health & Literacy Mini-Grants

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to tell you about the availability of mini-grants in
health & literacy. ABE and ESOL teachers are encouraged to apply. Please
help me spread the word about this interesting and enriching opportunity
by forwarding this announcement to others. Thank you.

Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi
World Education


LINCS Health & Literacy Mini-Grants

Adult basic education student/teacher teams to develop lesson plans or
learning activities using the Health & Literacy Special Collection
Website at: www.worlded.org/us/health/lincs. ABE and ESOL teachers and
students are encouraged to participate.


In a recent user evaluation of the Health & Literacy Special
Collection, teachers said it would be helpful to see how other teachers
have used the Website with their students.  World Education, with
funding from the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL), is offering the
LINCS Health & Literacy Mini-Grants to ABE and ESOL teacher/student
teams to develop lesson plans or learning activities based on their
experience using the site.  We will then web-publish final products for
other teachers to access.


Establish your student/teacher team.  Teams that include one teacher
and more than one student are encouraged.
Develop a health and literacy lesson plan or learning activity that
uses the Health & Literacy Special Collection.  Teams in which the
teacher and student(s) develop activities together are encouraged.
Document your reactions and your students' reactions to the site and to
the activities you tried.
Revise your lesson plan or learning activity, if necessary, and submit
a final product.

Grant Benefits:

Six grantees will each receive $500 stipends.
Technical assistance as needed.


Applications due February 14, 2003
Awards announced by February 28, 2003
Final products due May 30, 2003

Application Instructions:

Please respond to the following questions.

Briefly describe your program services and the population served.
Briefly described your teaching experience, include any health-related
projects or teaching.
Briefly describe your familiarity with the Internet/Web and the kind of
access you and your students presently have to the Web.
Briefly describe your project idea.  Please note whether you will work
with ABE or ESOL students, and at what level.
Please also include your program name, address, telephone number, email
address, and when it is best to contact you.
Forward your response to skurtz@worlded.org.


Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, Coordinator of the Health & Literacy Special
Collection, World Education, 44 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA  02210;
email skurtz@worlded.org; phone 617-482-9485; fax 617-482-0617.

The Health & Literacy Special Collection is maintained by
World Education with support from the National Institute for Literacy
(NIFL) and its Literacy Information aNd Communication System (LINCS)

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