[NIFL-HEALTH:3859] Re: library resources

From: Paula Miller (pjmiller@sbpl.org)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 14:58:23 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-HEALTH:3859] Re: library resources
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I am writng this to follow-up with my earlier posting about the "What to 
do for Health" series from IHA.  In my exuberance to answer the posting, 
I neglected to mention that the San Bernardino Public Library Literacy 
Program developed our own Health Literacy curriculum and successfully 
delivered it to 38 participants in the year 2001.  The project was a 
collaboration with many community agencies and HMO's.  It took almost a 
full year to develop and still needs some final tweaking.  The Health 
Education Literacy Project (HELP) is a curriculum written at a 4th grade 
level in plain language format.  The curriculum includes topics on 
nutrition, home safety, child health and safety, smoking dangers, and 
others.  It is a 7 lesson curriculum that can be divided up as any 
program sees fit to use it.  There is also an Instructor's manual that 
accompanies the student workbook.  

If you are interested in obtaining more information on this curriculum, 
e-mail me directly at pjmiller@sbpl.org.

Thank you,
Paula Miller  

Charles Moody wrote:

> I too am interested in "classic health literacy resources". I am 
> reading these responses with great interest. Please share any comments 
> with us all.
> I am the manager and consultant for a literacy and health project in 
> Manitoba, Canada, which will bring literacy and health people together 
> in a series of 15 training sessions across our province. In 
> preparation for this project, I am reading everything I can find, and 
> I'm convinced that establishing partnerships between health 
> institutions and literacy programs is the way to go. I'm particularly 
> impressed with the Participatory Action Research model. I would 
> welcome any comments and resources. If you're interested, you can read 
> about our project at www.health.mb.literacy.ca
> Charles Moody,
> Literacy Partners of Manitoba
> At 06:09 PM 1/7/03 -0500, you wrote:
>> Hello Lisa,
>>    Thought that I would respond directly to you instead of the whole 
>> list.  The Institute for Healthcare Advancement publishes a wonderful 
>> series for Health Literacy and they are available in multiple 
>> languages. The series is entitled "What to do for Health." You can 
>> find out more about their series by going to their website.  
>> www.iha4health.org   Hope this helps!
>> Paula Miller
>> Lisa Pierce wrote:
>>> Hello.  The email [NIFL-HEALTH:3847] Oral Communication with 
>>> Low-Literate patients prompted me to ask, what are the "classic" 
>>> health literacy resources?  We recently received a small donation 
>>> for books and I would like to purchase a few in the area of health 
>>> literacy, as we have so few in our collection.  Most of our students 
>>> are ESL, but we have some basic readers as well.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Lisa
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:   RJ2817@aol.com [SMTP:RJ2817@aol.com]
>>> Sent:   Tuesday, January 07, 2003 4:39 PM
>>> To:     Multiple recipients of list
>>> Subject:
>>> Can anyone refer me to books, web sites or other resources 
>>> specifically related to teaching oral communication skills to health 
>>> care professionals who work with low literate populations?
>>> I've got Doak & Doak and most of the "classic" health literacy 
>>> resources. I'm wondering what else might be available.
>>> You can reply directly to me at RJ2817@aol.com
>>> Thanks!
>>> Rebecca Jacobson, MPH
>>> Health Education Consultant
>>> Columbia, SC
> http://www.gordano.com - Messaging for educators.

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