NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

San Francisco from Landsat 7

Posted August 9, 1999
San Francisco from Landsat 7
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On a rare fog free day Landsat 7 flew over San Francisco and produced this stunning true color image. You can easily see both man made structures—the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay Bridge, Alcatraz, and Oakland International Airport—and natural features such as the Marin Headlands and the complex currents in San Francisco Bay.

This image was provided by the EROS Data Center Landsat 7 Data Handling Facility Image Assessment System (IAS). Landsat 7 digital data are not yet available to the general public. Browse, Level 0R and Level 1 data will be made available for retail sale this summer via the EROS Data Center following completion of orbit raising and instrument checkout and calibration.

Image courtesy EROS Data Center

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Washington, D.C. from Landsat 7 August 2, 1999
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