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Registered Lobbyist Contact Disclosure Forms

On March 20, 2009, the President issued a memorandum entitled "Ensuring Responsible Spending of Recovery Act Funds". Section 3 of the memorandum outlines specific requirements which executive department or agency employees must follow regarding communications with federally registered lobbyists about Recovery Act funds.

OMB guidance to implement these requirements requires in part that any EPA employee contacted regarding Recovery Act matters via telephone or in person by any registered lobbyist (including persons associated with for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, and state and local governments) must document the communication using the Registered Lobbyist Contact Disclosure Form included in the OMB guidance.

This page links to completed forms related to communications about general Recovery Act matters. Home pages for EPA programs that implement the Recovery Act (i.e., the Brownfields, Clean Diesel, Superfund, Underground Storage Tanks, and Water State Revolving Funds home pages) will link to completed forms related to communications about specific projects or programs.

Registered Lobbyist Contact Disclosure Forms (About PDF)
Last name of person contacting EPA and date of contact Subject
Skinner - 04/14/09 Buy American Act implementation


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