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Found 71 studies with search of: "Acyclovir"
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1 Recruiting Effectiveness of Acyclovir in Suppressing HIV Viral Load in Women Coinfected With HIV and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2)
Conditions: HIV Infections;   Herpesvirus 2, Human
Interventions: Drug: Acyclovir;   Drug: Acyclovir placebo
2 Completed Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study Comparing the Combination of 15% SP-303 Gel With Acyclovir Versus Acyclovir Alone for the Treatment of Recurrent Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Infections in Subjects With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Conditions: Herpes Simplex;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Crofelemer;   Drug: Acyclovir
3 Active, not recruiting A Study of Acyclovir to Help Prevent HIV Infection in People With Genital Herpes
Conditions: HIV Infections;   HIV Seronegativity;   Herpes Genitalis
Interventions: Drug: Acyclovir;   Drug: Acyclovir placebo
4 Completed Acyclovir HSV Skin, Eye, and Mouth
Condition: Herpes Simplex
Interventions: Drug: Acyclovir;   Drug: Placebo
5 Completed Acyclovir for Herpes Infections Involving the Central Nervous System in Neonates
Condition: Herpes Simplex
Interventions: Drug: Acyclovir;   Drug: Placebo
6 Completed Study of ME-609 and Acyclovir for Treatment of Herpes Simplex Labialis in Immunocompromised Patients
Condition: Herpes Labialis
Interventions: Drug: ME-609;   Drug: Acyclovir in ME-609 vehicle (5% acyclovir)
7 Completed The Safety and Effectiveness of Zidovudine Plus Acyclovir in Patients With Early HIV Infection
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Zidovudine;   Drug: Acyclovir
8 Recruiting Episodic Acyclovir Therapy for Genital Ulcers
Conditions: HIV Infections;   Ulcer;   Herpes Simplex
Intervention: Drug: Acyclovir
9 Completed Comparison of Foscarnet Versus Vidarabine in the Treatment of Herpes Infection in Patients With AIDS Who Have Not Had Success With Acyclovir
Conditions: Herpes Simplex;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Vidarabine;   Drug: Acyclovir;   Drug: Foscarnet sodium
10 Completed Treatment and Suppression of Hairy Leukoplakia in ARC Patients With Oral Acyclovir (ACV)
Conditions: Leukoplakia, Hairy;   HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Acyclovir
11 Completed Suppression of Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Utilizing High Dose Intravenous Acyclovir and Oral Zidovudine in Patients With AIDS
Conditions: Cytomegalovirus Retinitis;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Zidovudine;   Drug: Acyclovir
12 Completed A Study of Zidovudine Plus Acyclovir in HIV-Infected Patients
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Zidovudine;   Drug: Acyclovir
13 Completed Comparison of Brovavir Versus Acyclovir in the Treatment of Herpes in HIV-Infected Patients
Conditions: HIV Infections;   Chickenpox
Interventions: Drug: Sorivudine;   Drug: Acyclovir
14 Completed A Comparison of 882C87 Versus Acyclovir in the Treatment of Herpes Zoster in Patients With Weakened Immune Systems
Conditions: HIV Infections;   Chickenpox
Interventions: Drug: Netivudine;   Drug: Acyclovir
15 Completed The Effect of Acyclovir Treatment of the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Infection on HIV Levels in the Blood
Conditions: Herpes Simplex;   HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Acyclovir
16 Completed Long-Term Oral Acyclovir Usage to Prevent Herpes Zoster Virus Infection After Bone Marrow Transplant
Condition: VZV Infection After Bone Marrow Transplantation
Intervention: Drug: Acyclovir
17 Completed A Comparative Trial of Valacyclovir Hydrochloride ( 256U87 ) and Acyclovir for the Suppression of Anogenital Herpes Infections in HIV-Infected Patients
Conditions: Herpes Simplex;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Valacyclovir hydrochloride;   Drug: Acyclovir
18 Completed A Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Valacyclovir Hydrochloride ( 256U87 ) Versus Acyclovir in the Treatment of Recurrent Anogenital Herpes Infections in HIV Infected Patients
Conditions: Herpes Simplex;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Valacyclovir hydrochloride;   Drug: Acyclovir
19 Completed A Multicenter, Double Blind, Comparative Study of Zidovudine Alone Versus Zidovudine and Acyclovir as Treatment for HIV-Infected Patients With CD4+ Counts Less Than 200 Cells/mm3
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Zidovudine;   Drug: Acyclovir
20 Completed Iontophoretic Application of Acyclovir Cream to Treat Recurrent Herpes Labialis
Condition: Herpes Labialis
Intervention: Device: iontophoretic acyclovir

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