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The guilty secrets of palm oil: Are you unwittingly contributing to the devastation of the rain forests? - You may be contributing to the devastation of the wildlife-rich forests of Indonesia and Malaysia ... (posted 05/02/2009 from London Independent)

EPA seeks rules for utilities' polluted runoff. - Faced with new evidence that utilities across the country are dumping toxic sludge into waterways ... (posted 05/02/2009 from Washington Post)

Big increase in ocean mercury found; study predicts more human threat from fish. - Mercury levels in the Pacific Ocean will rise by 50 percent within the next few ... (posted 05/02/2009 from Environmental Health News)

Carbon Balance Of Terrestrial Ecosystems In China - During the 1980s and 1990s China showed a net carbon sink of 0 19–0 26 ... (posted 05/02/2009 from ScienceDaily.com)

Christmas Island bat 'months from extinction' - Australia's rarest mammal the Christmas Island pipistrelle bat is months away from extinction and wildlife ... (posted 05/02/2009 from The Independent)

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