NCLD - Adults with LD
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Adults with LD

The essential fact is people do not "outgrow" their learning disabilities when they become an adult.  Learning how to manage LD is a lifelong effort, and knowing what works is the key to a successful future. The resources and supports below will help you take charge of your life as an adult with LD, and face the new challenges in fulfilling your roles as an employee, spouse, parent, or citizen.  Be sure to stop by NCLD's Transition to College and Work page for additional information on post-secondary educational options and career choices.

Introduction and Background Information
Additional Resources on the Web 

Introduction and Background Information:

Living with LD: For Adults This comprehensive section of is designed especially for adults, and offers expert advice on how to succeed at work, in relationships, with parenting, and much more.  Browse through the additional resources for expert support organizations focusing on issues such as Independent Living, Employment and Counseling Services, and Literacy programs.

Key Topics:

  • LD on the Job:  Learn how to determine marketable skills, assess your strengths and challenges, and know your options on disclosing your disability to an employer.  Use the tips in the Job Checklist to ensure your workplace success.
  • Legal Rights:  Explore this section to learn about the laws that protect you, find out your rights and responsibilities, and get suggestions on questions you should ask during an interview.
  • LD & Relationships:  Find out how to relate better in your personal relationships and get tips on organizing your home and family life to reduce stress.

Creating an Independent Future for Your Adult Child with LD (June 5, 2007)
In a LD Talk, Anne Ford provided insights about the frustration, confusion and heartache that are shared by so many families as their children strive to become increasingly self-sufficient and independent.  Ms. Ford addressed questions about social skills and dating, sibling relationships, job hunting drew on her personal experiences and her work as an activist on behalf of individuals with learning disabilities.

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Learning Disabilities in Adulthood: The Struggle Continues
NCLD's Director of Professional Services, Dr. Sheldon Horowitz, focuses on the struggles that adults with learning disabilities face in his March 2006 Research Roundup column.  Click here to browse through the full archive of columns.


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Additional Resources on the Web:

Resources for Adults with LD:

Steps to Independence for People with Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities of America
Read Chapter Eight: Coping with Specific Disabilities of this classic self-help book for adults with learning disabilities by Dale S. Brown. (Steps to Independence is available in its entirety to LDA members via the Member Area of the LDA Web site.)

Information on Learning Disabilities for Adults
Learning Disabilities Worldwide

LD In Depth: Adults with LD

Success for Adults with Learning Disabilities
Literacy and Learning Disabilities

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 
A free consulting service designed to increase the employability of people with disabilities.

Resources for Adults with Disabilities
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)

This publication helps adults with disabilities identify organizations and agencies designed to assist with their specific concerns and needs, such as employment, postsecondary education, recreation, independent living, and assistive technology.

National Center on Workforce & Disability/Adult (NCWD) 
NCWD provides training, technical assistance, policy analysis, and information to improve access for all in the workforce development system.

Resources for Professionals:

The Program Administrators’ Sourcebook
National Center for the Study of Adult Learning & Literacy (NCSALL)
This sourcebook is designed to give administrators direct access to research that may help address the challenges they face on the job. (December 2005) 
Adult Reading Components Study (ARCS) Panel
The National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) and the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy(NCSALL)
This 30-minute video on the research & findings from the large-scale attempt to describe the reading of students enrolled in adult basic education (ABE).

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