Press Room

May 12, 2006

Treasury Officials to Host Financial Education Commission Meeting

Treasury Assistant Secretary Emil W. Henry, Jr. and Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral will host a meeting of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission in the Treasury Department on Tuesday, May 16. The meeting is the organization's first following the release of its national strategy. 

 Featured speakers include Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan, Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration JoAnn Johnson, Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Dan Iannicola and an official from the Department of Defense.  Participants will discuss identity theft prevention, improving financial education for Americans in uniform and the role of financial institutions in the national strategy.

 The meeting is open to the media.  Media without Treasury press credentials should contact Frances Anderson at (202)622-2960, or with the following information: name, Social Security number, and date of birth.

  Who                Assistant Secretary Emil W. Henry, Jr.
                          U.S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral
                          Deputy Assistant Secretary Dan Iannicola

 What              Financial Literacy and Education Commission Meeting

When              Tuesday, May 16       10:30 a.m.

 Where            Treasury Department
                        Cash  Room
                        1500 Pennsylvania Avenue
                        Washington, DC

