Press Room


January 7, 2003

Tax Provisions of The President’s Growth Package

Accelerated 10-Percent Bracket Expansion:  The expansion of the 10-percent bracket scheduled for 2008 is accelerated to 2003, and is indexed for inflation beginning in 2004. The endpoint of the 10-percent tax bracket increases from $12,000 of taxable income to $14,000 for married couples (and from $6,000 to $7,000 for single taxpayers).  This expansion benefits married taxpayers with taxable income over $12,000 and single taxpayers with taxable income over $6,000.  Tax Relief: CY 2003: $5 billion; FY 2003-2013: $48 billion

Accelerated Reduction in Income Tax Rates:  The reductions in income tax rates in excess of 15-percent scheduled for 2004 and 2006 are accelerated to 2003, resulting in new rates of 25%, 28%, 33% and 35% (from 27%, 30%, 35% and 38.6%).  These reductions benefit married couples with taxable income greater than $47,450 and single taxpayers with taxable income greater than $28,400. Tax Relief: CY 2003: $29 billion; FY 2003-2013: $64 billion

Accelerated Reduction of Marriage Penalty:  The standard deduction for married couples is increased to double the amount of the standard deduction for single taxpayers in 2003.  The width of the 15-percent tax bracket for married couples is increased to twice the width for single taxpayers in 2003.  These provisions were scheduled to phase-in over the period between 2005 and 2009.  These reductions benefit married couples who claim the standard deduction or who have taxable income greater than $47,450. Tax Relief: CY 2003: $19 billion; FY 2003-2013: $58 billion

Accelerated Increase in Child Tax Credit:  The amount of the child tax credit is increased to $1,000 in 2003 (from $600), accelerating a scheduled phase-in over the period between 2005 and 2010.  In 2003, the increased amount of the child tax credit will be paid in advance beginning in July 2003 on the basis of information on the taxpayer’s 2002 tax return filed in 2003.  Advanced payments will be made in a manner similar to the advance payment checks that were issued in 2001 to reflect the new 10-percent tax bracket. Tax Relief: CY 2003: $16 billion; FY 2003-2013: $91 billion

Exclusion of Dividends from Individual Taxable Income:  Dividends paid by corporations to individuals are excluded from taxable income when paid out of previously taxed corporate income beginning in 2003.  Dividends paid by corporations in excess of previously taxed corporate income are included in taxable income.  This provision eliminates the double taxation of corporate dividends. Tax Relief: CY 2003: $20 billion; FY 2003-2013: $364 billion

Increase in Small Business Expensing for New Investment:  The amount of investment that may be immediately deducted by small businesses is increased from $25,000 to $75,000 beginning in 2003.  The amount of investment qualifying for this immediate deduction begins to phase out for small businesses with investment in excess of $325,000 (increased from $200,000).  Both parameters are indexed for inflation beginning in 2004. Tax Relief: CY 2003: $2 billion; FY 2003-2013: $16 billion

AMT Hold-Harmless Relief:  To ensure that the benefits from the acceleration of the tax reductions are not reduced by the AMT, the AMT exemption amount is increased by $8,000 for married taxpayers and by $4,000 for single taxpayers in 2003 through 2005. Tax Relief: CY 2003: $8 billion; FY 2003-2013: $29 billion

Total Tax Relief:  CY 2003 $98 billion; FY 2003-2013: $670 billion