Press Room


January 14, 2003

U.S. Treasury to Designate Al Akhtar Trust Pakistani Based Charity is Suspected of Raising Money for Terrorists in Iraq

This afternoon, the Treasury Department will announce the designation of Al Akhtar Trust as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization under Executive Order 13224 and will be requesting that the United Nations list the organization as a terrorist group. Today’s designation freezes any assets of Al Akhtar Trust within the U.S. and prohibits transactions with U.S. nationals. The UN listing will require that all UN Member States take similar actions. More details to follow in a separate release.

David Aufhauser, Treasury General Counsel and Juan Zarate, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes will provide a briefing this afternoon at 3:00 PM.

  • WHAT: Briefing on the Designation of the Al Akhtar Trust
  • WHEN: 3:00 PM
  • WHERE: Treasury Media Room 4121, Main Treasury Building
  • PARTICIPANTS: David Aufhauser, Treasury General Counsel, Juan Zarate, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes
  • COVERAGE: Open

Media without Treasury or White House press credentials should contact Vera Stevenson at Treasury's Office of Public Affairs at (202) 622-2960 or e-mail as soon as possible with the following information: name, social security number and date of birth.

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