National Institute for Literacy

LINCS Selection Criteria

Policy statementSelection criteriaSubmission criteriaDeselection Criteria
Web publishing guidelinesAuthoring committee

Submission Criteria:

    Materials submitted to any of the regional LINCS Websites or the national site must include the following
    • Written permission to publish from the authors (and, if applicable, from their organizations and funders) or a completed copyright release form.
    • The contributor's agreement to have the respective LINCS Webmaster editor re-format the materials as needed.
    • Contact information of the contributor.
    • Credit to the authors, their organizations and their funders.
    • A description of how the material has been (or might be) used by instructors, adult learners, etc.
    • Completion date of the material or site.
    • Proper citation of direct quotations and other sources used in the material.

    Electronic submission of materials is preferred. Contributors are asked to consider whether especially long or especially short documents are useful and whether the information could be presented in a better format, such as an abstract with a link to a complete report. LINCS selectors strongly prefer that materials include or be accompanied by the following:

    • Rationale for inclusion in LINCS.
    • Recommended key words, preferably from the Adult Literacy Thesaurus (ALT), which is the authorized term list for LINCS; ALT terms are also useful metatags.
    • A brief abstract or summary indicating the scope and nature of the site's contents.
    • As appropriate, tables of contents, illustrations, indices, handouts, appendices and other supplementary information that may prove useful to individuals utilizing the material.
    • A note indicating any special circumstances that might prevent materials from meeting the published guidelines.

Deselection Criteria

    General Criteria:
    Criteria for deselection of resources from theLINCScollections fall into two general categories, objective and subjective.

    Objective criteria:

    1. Dated- A site for a one time event that took place in 1996
    2. Focus of the site has changed - A site that previously offered teachers' resources has been bought by a company selling flowers
    3. Focus ofLINCScollection has changed - A special collection that focused on research is now focused on policy issues
    4. Site has accessibility issues, dead links or is no longer maintained - A site that continually causes the system to crash; A site that provides no means to obtain either electronic or print versions of materials

    Subjective criteria:

    1. Deemed not useful or can be replaced with a site judged to be better ­
    2. Complaints about a site's features and/or content

    There will be, in some cases, overlap between these two general categories. For example, there could be debate whether a dated sited has historical and/or seminal value and therefore should not be deleted.

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Last updated: Friday, 25-Apr-2008 16:09:14 EDT