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Date: December 19, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on development of a natural resources science plan for the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, Hawaii.

Download a letter copy: PDF (100 KB)

December 19, 2007 letter

Date: December 17, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking regarding issuance of permits for scientific research and enhancement activities.

Download a letter copy: PDF (100 KB)

December 17, 2007 letter

Date: December 14, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Reiterating comments and recommendations made previously on the proposed rule to designate critical habitat for the North Pacific right whale.

Download a letter copy: PDF (56 KB)

December 14, 2007 letter

Date: December 3, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft recovery crediting guidance for recovery programs under the Endangered Species Act.

Download a letter copy: PDF (72 KB)

December 3, 2007 letter

Date: November 30, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on research on harmful algal blooms, the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals, and creation of national marine mammal data archives, following the Commission's 2007 annual meeting.

Download a letter copy: PDF (100 KB)

November 30, 2007 letter

Date: November 30, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on marine mammal observer programs, health issues related to stock assessments, and alternative methods for managing marine mammal/human interactions, following the Commission's 2007 annual meeting.

Download a letter copy: PDF (112 KB)

November 30, 2007 letter

Date: November 27, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendation on the draft five-year status review for the Caribbean monk seal.

Download a letter copy: PDF (84 KB)

November 27, 2007 letter

Date: November 23, 2007

Recipient: The governors of Washington, Oregon, and California

Subject: Commending the governors of Washington, Oregon, and California for efforts to implement an ecosystem-based management approach for West Coast marine ecosystems, following the Commissionís 2007 annual meeting.

Download a letter copy: PDF (50 KB)

November 23, 2007 letter

Date: November 23, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding northern and southern sea otters, following the Commission's 2007 annual meeting.

Download a letter copy: PDF (98 KB)

November 23, 2007 letter

Date: November 23, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the report of the Columbia River Pinniped-Fishery Interaction Task Force.

Download a letter copy: PDF (114 KB)


November 23, 2007 letter

Date: November 1, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Encouraging support for a concerted effort by the United States and others to act to save the vaquita from possible extinction.

Download a letter copy: PDF (58 KB)


November 1, 2007 letter

Date: October 22, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposal to list polar bears as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

Download a letter copy: PDF (126 KB)


October 22, 2007 letter

Date: October 12, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft 2007 stock assessment reports for marine mammals.

Download a letter copy: PDF (121 KB)


October 12, 2007 letter

Date: October 9, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding measures to protect manatees from harassment in the Crystal River, Florida.

Download a letter copy: PDF (87 KB)


October 9, 2007 letter

Date: October 2, 2007

Recipient: Department of the Navy, Pacific Missile Range Facility

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement regarding use of the Hawaii Range Complex.

Download a letter copy: PDF (151 KB)


October 2, 2007 letter

Date: September 20, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement on annual quotas for the subsistence hunt of bowhead whales.

Download a letter copy: PDF (58 KB)


September 20, 2007 letter

Date: September 17, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendation on the Final Environmental Impact Statement on amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.

Download a letter copy: PDF (29 KB)


September 17, 2007 letter

Date: August 27, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed rulemaking regarding the 2008 List of Fisheries.

Download a letter copy: PDF (99 KB)


August 27, 2007 letter

Date: August 20, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the revised draft recovery plan for the western and eastern distinct population segments of Steller sea lions.

Download a letter copy: PDF (106 KB)


August 20, 2007 letter

Date: August 3, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposal to list the Cook Inlet stock of beluga whales as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

Download a letter copy: PDF (108 KB)


August 3, 2007 letter

Date: July 27, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for seismic surveys in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Alaska.

Download a letter copy: PDF (136 KB)


July 27, 2007 letter

Date: July 24, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule on the taking of marine mammals incidental to U.S. Navy operations of SURTASS LFA sonar.

Download a letter copy: PDF (126 KB)


July 24, 2007 letter

Date: June 26, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendation regarding draft summary and evaluation of the five-year review of the southern right whale listing under the Endangered Species Act.

Download a letter copy: PDF (54 KB)

Download an attachment copy: PDF (106KB)


June 26, 2007 letter

Date: May 30, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS) on NOAA's Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.

Download a copy: PDF (105 KB)

May 30, 2007 letter

Date: May 25, 2007

Recipient: State of Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources

Subject: Comments on a request from the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center for a reserach permit to conduct shark control in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument.

Download a copy: PDF (55 KB)

May 25, 2007 letter

Date: April 11, 2007

Recipient: Department of State

Subject: Advice to the Secretary of State to promote joint action and investment by the Mexican and U.S. governments to conserve the vaquita.

Download a copy: PDF (56 KB)

April 11, 2007 letter

Date: April 9, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding a 12-month petition finding and proposed rule to list the polar bear under provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as a threatened species throughout its range.

Download a copy: PDF (127 KB)

April 9, 2007 letter

Date: April 2, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Protected Resources Division

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding applications from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho seeking lethal removal authority for pinnipeds preying on salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River.

Download a copy: PDF (104 KB)

April 2, 2007 letter

Date: April 2, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on the effects of permitted scientific research activities on threatened and endangered Steller sea lions and depleted northern fur seals.

Download a copy: PDF (103 KB)

April 2, 2007 letter

Date: March 23, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments responding to a 5-year review of the status of the Hawaiian monk seal under provisions of the Endangered Species Act.

Download a copy: PDF (101 KB)

March 23, 2007 letter

Date: March 23, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendation regarding the Service's 5-year reviews of the status of fin whales, sperm whales, and southern right whales under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act.

Download a copy: PDF (93 KB)

March 23, 2007 letter

Date: March 14, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding recent video evidence of harassment of manatees in King Bay, Florida.

Download a copy: PDF (57 KB)

March 14, 2007 letter

Date: March 12, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments regarding MMC's interest in working with NMFS to organize and facilitate a meeting to develop a more effective course of action to address the current Hawaiian monk seal recovery crisis.

Download a copy: PDF (67 KB)

March 12, 2007 letter

Date: March 6, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Subject: Comments and recommendation regarding the taking of Cook Inlet beluga whales by Alaska Natives.

Download a copy: PDF (59 KB)

March 6, 2007 letter

Date: March 2, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Protected Resources Division

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed recovery plan for the southern resident stock of killer whales.

Download a copy: PDF (121 KB)

March 2, 2007 letter

Date: February 28, 2007

Recipient: Indigenous People's Council for Marine Mammals

Subject: Comments on efforts by the Indigenous People's Council for Marine Mammals to secure stable funding for Alaska Native organizations and co-management of marine mammals in Alaska.

Download a copy: PDF (56 KB)

February 28, 2007 letter

Date: February 22, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to recognize the North Atlantic and North Pacific right whales as separate species consistent with taxonomy used by the scientific community and organizations.

Download a copy: PDF (110 KB)

February 22, 2007 letter

Date: February 14, 2007

Recipient: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Framework for Developing the National System of Marine Protected Areas.

Download a copy: PDF (102 KB)

February 14, 2007 letter

Date: February 7, 2007

Recipient: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Manatee Management Plan.

Download a copy: PDF (157 KB)

February 7, 2007 letter

Date: February 6, 2007

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Islands Division of External Affairs and Visitor Services

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Interim Visitor Services Plan for the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge to assess possible impact on Hawaiian monk seals and spinner dolphins.

Download a copy: PDF (115 KB)

February 6, 2007 letter

Date: January 29, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments on the Service's proposed review of the status of the Caribbean monk seal under the Endangered Species Act, with the conclusion that the Caribbean monk seal is extinct and should be removed from the list of endangered and threatened species.

Download a copy: PDF ( 2.5 MB)

January 29, 2007 letter

Date: January 29, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Regional Office

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Recovery Plan for the Hawaiian Monk Seal.

Download a copy: PDF (223 KB)

January 29, 2007 letter

Date: January 17, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the need for the National Marine Mammal Laboratory and other NMFS research facilities to establish Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) as required under the Animal Welfare Act.

Download a copy: PDF (62 KB)

January 17, 2007 letter

Date: January 3, 2007

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed rule for the 2007 List of Fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Download a copy: PDF (98 KB)

January 3, 2007 letter

Date: December 29, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed environmental impact statement for the establishment of annual quotas for the subsistence harvest of bowhead whales by Alaska natives.

Download a copy: PDF (71 KB)

December 29, 2006 letter

Date: December 19, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Regional Office

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed rule to amend regulations under the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan covering gillnet fishing in the right whale calving grounds off the southeastern United States.

Download a copy: PDF (102 KB)

December 19, 2006 letter

Date: December 1, 2006

Recipient: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the U.S. Navy's intention to evaluate the potential environmental consequences of mine warfare and antisubmarine warfare active sonar training exercises along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

Download a copy: PDF (72 KB)

October 30, 2006 letter

Date: December 1, 2006

Recipient: Council on Environmental Quality

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding proposed guidelines for establishing, revising, and using categorical exclusions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Download a copy: PDF (72 KB)

October 30, 2006 letter

Date: November 24, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on issues that should be addressed in an environmental impact statement to assess the potential impacts on the human environment that could result from regulations being considered to protect wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins.

Download a copy: PDF (103 KB)

October 30, 2006 letter

Date: November 17, 2006

Recipient: Federal Highway Administration

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the portions of the Knik Arm Crossing Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that pertain to marine mammals.

Download a copy: PDF (101 KB)

October 30, 2006 letter

Date: October 30, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposal to issue regulations that would govern the taking of marine mammals incidental to operation of the U.S. Navy’s Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) sonar

Download a copy: PDF (100 KB)

October 30, 2006 letter

Date: October 30, 2006

Recipient: U.S. Department of Commerce

Subject: Comments on the National Marine Fisheries Service’s proposed survey for measuring the preferences of U.S. residents regarding programs for the conservation and recovery of the Steller sea lion

Download a copy: PDF (98 KB)

October 30, 2006 letter

Date: October 26, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the draft 2006 stock assessment reports for marine mammals

Download a copy: PDF (102 KB)

October 26, 2006 letter

Date: October 23, 2006

Recipient: Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology

Subject: Comments regarding the draft Ocean Research Priorities Plan

Download a copy: PDF (112 KB)

October 23, 2006 letter

Date: September 28, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding closure of the Southeast U.S. Restricted Area to all gillnet fishing

Download a copy: PDF (58 KB)

September 28, 2006 letter

Date: August 31, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft revised Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan

Download a copy: PDF (109 KB)

August 31, 2006 letter

Date: August 31, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft recovery plans for fin whales and sperm whales

Download a copy: PDF (88 KB)

August 31, 2006 letter

Date: August 15, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to limit vessel speeds to 10 knots in certain areas to reduce collisions between ships and North Atlantic right whales

Download a copy: PDF (93 KB)

August 15, 2006 letter

Date: August 14, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on proposed critical habitat for the southern resident killer whale stock

Download a copy: PDF (111 KB)

August 14, 2006 letter

Date: May 24, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the application submitted by the U.S. Navy seeking authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to conducting Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) antisubmarine warfare training exercises in waters around the Hawaiian Islands

Download a copy: PDF (115 KB)

May 24, 2006 letter

Date: May 23, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rulemaking regarding the 2006 List of Fisheries

Download a copy: PDF (104 KB)

May 23, 2006 letter

Date: May 15, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding protection of mother-calf pairs of right whales from entanglement in gillnet fisheries

Download a copy: PDF (311 KB)

May 15, 2006 letter

Date: April 28, 2006

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding stock assessment reports for the California and Washington stocks of sea otters

Download a copy: PDF (60 KB)

April 28, 2006 letter

Date: April 24, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the status review of the Cook Inlet beluga whale under the Endangered Species Act

Download a copy: PDF (79 KB)

April 24, 2006 letter

Date: March 23, 2006

Recipient: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the National Marine Fisheries Service's application for permits in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Refuge

Download a copy: PDF (71 KB)

March 23, 2006 letter

Date: March 8, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Administrative Law Judge's recommended decision concerning long-term regulations to govern the taking by Alaska Natives of Cook Inlet beluga whales

Download a copy: PDF (82 KB)

March 8, 2006 letter

Date: February 13, 2006

Recipient: Hawaiian and Pacific Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding comprehensive conservation planning for the Howland, Baker, and Jarvis Islands National Wildlife Refuges

Download a copy: PDF (56 KB)

February 13, 2006 letter

Date: February 10, 2006

Recipient: Department of the Navy

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) Sonar

Download a copy: PDF (124 KB)

February 10, 2006 letter

Date: January 27, 2006

Recipient: Indigenous People's Council for Marine Mammals

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding subsistence following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (63 KB)

January 27, 2006 letter

Date: January 27, 2006

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding subsistence following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (63 KB)

January 27, 2006 letter

Date: January 27, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding subsistence following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (75 KB)

January 27, 2006 letter

Date: January 25, 2006

Recipient: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding ecosystem research and management following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (128 KB)

January 25, 2006 letter

Date: January 25, 2006

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding Fish and Wildlife Service species following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (99 KB)

January 25, 2006 letter

Date: January 25, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding National Marine Fisheries Service species following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (102 KB)

January 25, 2006 letter

Date: January 25, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding contaminants following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (96 KB)

January 25, 2006 letter

Date: January 25, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding fisheries following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (88 KB)

January 25, 2006 letter

Date: January 25, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding coastal development following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2005 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (121 KB)

January 25, 2006 letter

Date: January 18, 2006

Recipient: Department of the Navy

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Overseas Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement for an Undersea Warfare Training Range off the Atlantic coast of the U.S.

Download a copy: PDF (149 KB)

January 18, 2006 letter

Date: January 13, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rulemaking seeking public comment on whether to promulgate regulations to protect spinner dolphins in the main Hawaiian Islands

Download a copy: PDF (124 KB)

January 13, 2006 letter

Date: January 3, 2006

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommedations on a proposed rule to revise the current critical habitat designation for the northern right whale

Download a copy: PDF (831 KB)

January 3, 2006 letter

Date: January 3, 2006

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the translocation of southern sea otters

Download a copy: PDF (76 KB)

January 3, 2006 letter

Date: December 27, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for navigation improvements to the Delong Mountain Terminal at Portsite, Alaska

Download a copy: PDF (134 KB)

December 27, 2005 letter

Date: November 3, 2005

Recipient: City of San Diego

Subject: Comments and recommendations on San Diego's plans to take marine mammals at Children's Pool in La Jolla

Download a copy: PDF (73 KB)

November 3, 2005 letter

Date: November 3, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on San Diego's plans to take marine mammals at Children's Pool in La Jolla

Download a copy: PDF (67 KB)

November 3, 2005 letter

Date: October 21, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on proposed revisions to National Standard 1 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act

Download a copy: PDF (130 KB)

October 21, 2005 letter

Date: September 26, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft 2005 stock assessment reports for marine mammals

Download a copy: PDF (126 KB)

September 26, 2005 letter

Date: August 30, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and receommendations on proposed rules to implement the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

Download a copy: PDF (88 KB)

August 30, 2005 letter

Date: June 27, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Conservation Plan for the Cook Inlet beluga whale

Download a copy: PDF (178 KB)

June 27, 2005 letter

Date: June 27, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Information for a 5-year status review of the Florida manatee pursuant to the Endangered Species Act

Download a copy: PDF (82 KB)

June 27, 2005 letter

Date: May 23, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the lack of compliance with regulations intended to reduce the bycatch of harbor porpoises in the northeast sink gillnet fishery

Download a copy: PDF (55 KB)

May 23, 2005 letter

Date: May 12, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Amending the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

Download a copy: PDF (69 KB)

May 12, 2005 letter

Date: May 11, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Recommendation that the Fish and Wildlife Service (1) include funds for developing construction plans for a solar-powered refuge in its upcoming budget projections, and (2) consult with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to arrange a cooperative project for developing and testing such a facility.

Download a copy: PDF (60 KB)

May 11, 2005 letter

Date: March 22, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the National Marine Fisheries Service’s proposed rule to list Southern Resident killer whales as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

Download a copy: PDF (58 KB)

March 22, 2005 letter

Date: March 18, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the Service’s intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) on new acoustic exposure criteria

Download a copy: PDF (95 KB)

March 18, 2005 letter

Date: March 8, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding proposed changes to the stock assessment guidelines

Download a copy: PDF (91 KB)

March 8, 2005 letter

Date: February 23, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Draft Environmental Impact Report, and Development of Regional Impact Report for the Cape Wind Energy Project

Download a copy: PDF (57 KB)

February 23, 2005 letter

Date: February 17, 2005

Recipient: Western Pacific Fisheries Management Council

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding alternatives to consider as proposed fishery-related regulations for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are drafted

Download a copy: PDF (66 KB)

February 17, 2005 letter

Date: February 17, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft revised 2004 stock assessment reports for marine mammals in California-Oregon-Washington

Download a copy: PDF (52 KB)

February 17, 2005 letter

Date: February 16, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft 2004 stock assessment reports for marine mammals in the U.S. Pacific region

Download a copy: PDF (90 KB)

February 16, 2005 letter

Date: February 4, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the possible change in allowable harvest of polar bears in Nunavut, Canada

Download a copy: PDF (55 KB)

February 4, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Coast Guard

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the U.S. Coast Guard following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (60 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (115 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Department of Commerce

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the Department of Commerce following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (108 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Department of Transportation

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the Department of Transportation following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (57 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (100 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: Pacific Islands Regional Office

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Pacific Islands Regional Office following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (108 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the National Ocean Service following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (102 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the Fish and Wildlife Service following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (96 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 25, 2005

Recipient: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations to the State of Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources following the Marine Mammal Commission's 2004 Annual Meeting

Download a copy: PDF (106 KB)

January 25, 2005 letter

Date: January 24, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations regarding the alarming number of North Atlantic right whale deaths caused by ship strikes and the need for implementation of emergency rules

Download a copy: PDF (95 KB)

January 24, 2005 letter

Date: January 14, 2005

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on manatees being maintained at Homasassa Springs State Wildlife Park

Download a copy: PDF (57 KB)

January 14, 2005 letter

Date: January 3, 2005

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed rulemaking regarding the List of Fisheries for 2005

Download a copy: PDF (106 KB)

January 3, 2005 letter

Date: November 12, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft revised Recovery Plan for North Atlantic right whales

Download a copy: PDF (87 KB)

November 12, 2004 letter

Date: August 9, 2004

Recipient: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Subject: Comments and recommendations on management options for fisheries in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Download a copy: PDF (110 KB)

August 9, 2004 letter

Date: August 5, 2004

Recipient: Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve

Subject: Comments and recommendations on proposed rules to establish the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Refuge

Download a copy: PDF (89 KB)

August 5, 2004 letter

Date: August 5, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rulemaking concerning a strategy to reduce ship collisions with right whales

Download a copy: PDF (129 KB)

August 5, 2004 letter

Date: June 14, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a request for authorization to take small numbers of bottlenose dolphins by harassment incidental to confined blasting activities during dredging of the Alafia River Navigation Channel in northern Tampa Bay

Download a copy: PDF (87 KB)

June 14, 2004 letter

Date: June 14, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed rulemaking regarding the List of Fisheries for 2004

Download a copy: PDF (74 KB)

June 14, 2004 letter

Date: June 10, 2004

Recipient: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a request for assistance to develop a cooperative agreement under Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act

Download a copy: PDF (57 KB)

June 10, 2004 letter

Date: June 1, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed rule for defining the term "Zero Mortality Rate Goal" (ZMRG) under the Marine Mammal Protection Act

Download a copy: PDF (72 KB)

June 1, 2004 letter

Date: May 14, 2004

Recipient: Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the Draft Final Reserve Operations Plan prepared by the National Ocean Service

Download a copy: PDF (144 KB)

May 14, 2004 letter

Date: May 13, 2004

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposal to list the southwest Alaska population of northern sea otters as threatened under the Endangered Species Act

Download a copy: PDF (87 KB)

May 13, 2004 letter

Date: April 26, 2004

Recipient: St. Johns River Water Management District

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposal by the St. Johns River Water Management District to amend Chapter 40C-8 of the Florida Administrative Code to establish minimum flow levels for Blue Spring in Volusia County

Download a copy: PDF (66 KB)

April 26, 2004 letter

Date: February 13, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on National Marine Fisheries Service's proposed long-term harvest management plan for Cook Inlet beluga whales

Download a copy: PDF (106 KB)

February 13, 2004 letter

Date: January 21, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed rule to designate the AT1 group af Alaska transient killer whales as "depleted"

Download a copy: PDF (52 KB)

January 21, 2004 letter

Date: January 13, 2004

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the status of North Atlantic right whales and related management activities

Download a copy: PDF (67 KB)

January 13, 2004 letter

Date: December 31, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the possible review of the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program

Download a copy: PDF (81 KB)

December 31, 2003 letter

Date: December 31, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the National Marine Fisheries Service's application instructions for scientific research and enhancement permits

Download a copy: PDF (61 KB)

December 31, 2003 letter

Date: December 31, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations resulting from discussions at the Commission's Annual Meeting regarding the process of obtaining scientific research permits

Download a copy: PDF (70 KB)

December 31, 2003 letter

Date: December 31, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the National Marine Fisheries Service's implementation of the incidental take regime

Download a copy: PDF (88 KB)

December 31, 2003 letter

Date: December 5, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the present critical habitat boundaries for North Atlantic right whales

Download a copy: PDF (69 KB)

December 5, 2003 letter

Date: November 25, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the draft 2003 stock assessment reports for marine mammals in the U.S. Atlantic, Pacific, and Alaska regions

Download a copy: PDF (105 KB)

November 25, 2003 letter

Date: November 17, 2003

Recipient: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Subject: Comments and recommendations on listing criteria for species that are endangered, threatened, or of special concern and comments on the review of the status of Florida manatees

Download a copy: PDF (76 KB)

November 17, 2003 letter

Date: October 27, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the release to the wild of five pilot whales that stranded on 18 April 2003

Download a copy: PDF (76 KB)

October 27, 2003 letter

Date: September 25, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on permit applications with regard to the goals, policies, and requirements of the Marine Mammal Protection Act

Download a copy: PDF (94 KB)

September 25, 2003 letter

Date: September 10, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed rulemaking on the Zero Mortality Rate Goal (ZMRG)

Download a copy: PDF (106 KB)

September 10, 2003 letter

Date: September 4, 2003

Recipient: U.S. Coast Guard

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the needed clean-up work on Tern Island, located at French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Download a copy: PDF (57 KB)

September 4, 2003 letter

Date: July 29, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on management options to reduce the incidental deaths of North Atlantic right whales, humpback whales, and fin whales in commercial fisheries along the U.S. East Coast

Download a copy: PDF (75 KB)

July 29, 2003 letter

Date: July 21, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments on Priorities for the 21st Century: NOAA Fisheries Strategic Plan for FY 2003 - 2008

Download a copy: PDF (87 KB)

July 21, 2003 letter

Date: June 9, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed interagency consultation to establish a Ship Strike Reduction Strategy

Download a copy: PDF (60 KB)

June 9, 2003 letter

Date: June 3, 2003

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on proposed manatee refuges

Download a copy: PDF (54 KB)

June 3, 2003 letter

Date: May 6, 2003

Recipient: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the increasing frequency with which marine mammals are being subjected to taking by harassment through directed human-marine mammal interactions

Download a copy: PDF (84 KB)

May 6, 2003 letter

Date: April 16, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on Standard 1 guidelines for U.S. fisheries

Download a copy: PDF (107 KB)

April 16, 2003 letter

Date: March 31, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed designation of the eastern North Pacific southern resident stock of killer whales as depleted

Download a copy: PDF (55 KB)

March 31, 2003 letter

Date: March 31, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on revision of the harbor seal stock structure in Alaska

Download a copy: PDF (73 KB)

March 31, 2003 letter

Date: February 28, 2003

Recipient: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

Subject: Comments and recommendations on the proposed establishment of marine reserves in the state waters around the islands of Hawaii

Download a copy: PDF (58 KB)

February 28, 2003 letter

Date: February 27, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on proposed expansion of the existing critical habitat boundaries for northern right whales off the northeastern and southeastern United States

Download a copy: PDF (85 KB)

February 27, 2003 letter

Date: February 10, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on proposed rulemaking regarding the List of Fisheries for 2003

Download a copy: PDF (103 KB)

February 10, 2003 letter

Date: January 24, 2003

Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to authorize the taking of Florida manatees incidental to government programs related to watercraft operations and watercraft access facilities in Florida

Download a copy: PDF (81 KB)

January 24, 2003 letter

Date: January 2, 2003

Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service

Subject: Comments and recommendations on a requested permit amendment to allow biopsy sampling of mother-calf pairs of North Atlantic right whales on the breeding grounds

Download a copy: PDF (76 KB)

January 2, 2003 letter


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