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Economics of Drug Treatment Bibliography - February 2004

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Financing of Drug Treatment Services

Cartwright, W. S. & Solano, P. L. (2003). The economics of public health: financing drug abuse treatment services. Health Policy, 66, 247-260.

Health Insurance

Barry, C. L., Gabel, J. R., Frank, R. G., Hawkins, S., Whitmore, H. H., & Pickreign, J. D. (2003). Design of mental health benefits: still unequal after all these years. Health Aff., 22, 127-137.

Feldman, S., Bachman, J., & Bayer, J. (2002). Mental health parity: a review of research and a bibliography. Adm Policy Ment.Health, 29, 215-228.

Fox, H. B., McManus, M. A., & Reichman, M. B. (2003). Private health insurance for adolescents: is it adequate? J.Adolesc.Health, 32, 12-24.

Frank, R. G., Goldman, H. H., & Hogan, M. (2003). Medicaid and mental health: be careful what you ask for. Health Aff, 22, 101-113.

Frank, R. G., Goldman, H. H., & McGuire, T. G. (2001). Will parity in coverage result in better mental health care? N.Engl.J Med., 345, 1701-1704.

Gitterman, D. P., Sturm, R., Pacula, R. L., & Scheffler, R. M. (2001). Does the sunset of mental health parity really matter? Adm Policy Ment.Health, 28, 353-369.

Gitterman, D. P., Sturm, R., & Scheffler, R. M. (2001). Toward full mental health parity and beyond. Health Aff, 20, 68-76.

Goldman, H. H. (2002). Perspectives: parity--prelude to a fifth cycle of reform. J.Ment.Health Policy Econ., 5, 109-113.

Hodgkin, D., Horgan, C. M., Garnick, D. W., & Merrick, E. L. (2003). Cost sharing for substance abuse and mental health services in managed care plans. Med.Care Res., 60, 101-116.

Hoffman, L., Enders, J. L., Pippins, J., & Segal, R. (2003). Reducing claims for prescription drugs with a high potential for abuse. Am.J.Health Syst.Pharm., 60, 371-374.

Mark, T. L., Ozminkowski, R. J., Kirk, A., Ettner, S. L., & Drabek, J. (2003). Risk adjustment for people with chronic conditions in private sector health plans. Med.Decis.Making, 23, 397-405.

Mark, T. L. & Coffey, R. M. (2003). What drove private health insurance spending on mental health and substance abuse care, 1992-1999? Health Aff, 22, 165-172.

Buck, J. A., Teich, J. L., & Miller, K. (2003). Use of mental health and substance abuse services among high-cost Medicaid enrollees. Adm Policy Ment. Health, 31, 3-14.

Payment Mechanisms

Ettner, S. L. & Johnson, S. (2003). Do adjusted clinical groups eliminate incentives for HMOs to avoid substance abusers? Evidence from the Maryland Medicaid HealthChoice program. J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 63-77.

Lu, M., Ma, C. T., & Yuan, L. (2003). Risk selection and matching in performance-based contracting. Health Econ., 12, 339-354.

Normand, S. L., Belanger, A. J., & Frank, R. G. (2003). Evaluating selection out of health plans for Medicaid beneficiaries with substance abuse. J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 78-92.
Ref ID: 24

Oggins, J. (2003). Changes in health insurance and payment for substance use treatment. Am.J.Drug Alcohol Abuse, 29, 55-74.

Rosenbach, M., Lake, T., Young, C., et al. (2003). Effects of the Vermont Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity Law. DHHS Pub. No. (SMA) 03-3822. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Shen, Y. (2003). Selection incentives in a performance-based contracting system. Health Serv.Res., 38, 535-552.

Alternative Delivery Systems and Managed Care

Alexander, J. A., Nahra, T. A., & Wheeler, J. R. (2003). Managed care and access to substance abuse treatment services. J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 161-175.

Brown, T. G., Topp, J., & Ross, D. (2003). Rationales, obstacles and strategies for local outcome monitoring systems in substance abuse treatment settings. J.Subst.Abuse Treat., 24, 31-42.

D'Ambrosio, R., Mondeaux, F., Gabriel, R. M., & Laws, K. E. (2003). Oregon's transition to a managed care model for Medicaid-funded substance abuse treatment: steamrolling the glass menagerie. Health Soc.Work, 28, 126-136.

Ettner, S. L., Argeriou, M., McCarty, D., Dilonardo, J., & Liu, H. (2003). How did the introduction of managed care for the uninsured in Iowa affect the use of substance abuse services? J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 26-40.

Ettner, S. L., Denmead, G., Dilonardo, J., Cao, H., & Belanger, A. J. (2003). The impact of managed care on the substance abuse treatment patterns and outcomes of Medicaid beneficiaries: Maryland's HealthChoice program. J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 41-62.

Hodgkin, D., Horgan, C.M., & Merrick, E.L. (2002). Quality standards and incentives in managed care organizationsÕ specialty contracts for behavioral health. Journal of Men Health Policy Economics. 5, 61-69.

Lemak, C. H., Alexander, J. A., & Campbell, C. (2003). Administrative burden and its implications for outpatient substance abuse treatment organizations. Psychiatr.Serv., 54, 705-711.

McCarty, D. & Argeriou, M. (2003). The Iowa Managed Substance Abuse Care Plan: access, utilization, and expenditures for Medicaid recipients. J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 18-25.

Semansky, R. M., Koyanagi, C., & Vandivort-Warren, R. (2003). Behavioral health screening policies in Medicaid programs nationwide. Psychiatr.Serv., 54, 736-739.

Shepard, D.S., Daley, M., Ritter, G.A., Hodgkin, D., & Beincke, R.H. (2001). Effects of a statewide carve out on spending and access to substance abuse treatment in Massachusetts, 1992 to 1996. Health Services Research, 36, Part II, 32-44.

Cost-Benefit, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Utility Analysis

Office of Management and Budget, Circular No. A-94 Revised Transmittal Memo No. 64. 2004. 10-29-0092.

Borisova, N. N. & Goodman, A. C. (2003). Measuring the value of time for methadone maintenance clients: willingness to pay, willingness to accept, and the wage rate. Health Econ., 12, 323-334.

Collins, D. & Lapsley, H. (2003). The social costs and benefits of gambling: an introduction to the economic issues. J.Gambl.Stud., 19, 123-148.

Dennis, M., Titus, J. C., Diamond, G., Donaldson, J., Godley, S. H., Tims, F. M., Webb, C., Kaminer, Y., Babor, T., Roebuck, M. C., Godley, M. D., Hamilton, N., Liddle, H., & Scott, C. K. (2002). The Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) experiment: rationale, study design and analysis plans. Addiction, 97 Suppl 1:16-34., 16-34.

Doran, C. M., Shanahan, M., Mattick, R. P., Ali, R., White, J., & Bell, J. (2003). Buprenorphine versus methadone maintenance: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Drug Alcohol Depend., 71, 295-302.

Essock, S. M., Drake, R. E., Frank, R. G., & McGuire, T. G. (2003). Randomized controlled trials in evidence-based mental health care: getting the right answer to the right question. Schizophr.Bull., 29, 115-123.

French, M. T., Roebuck, M. C., Dennis, M. L., Godley, S. H., Liddle, H. A., & Tims, F. M. (2003). Outpatient marijuana treatment for adolescents. Economic evaluation of a multisite field experiment. Eval.Rev., 27, 421-459.

Healey, A., Knapp, M., Marsden, J., Gossop, M., & Stewart, D. (2003). Criminal outcomes and costs of treatment services for injecting and non-injecting heroin users: evidence from a national prospective cohort survey. J.Health Serv.Res.Policy, 8, 134-141.

McCollister, K. E. & French, M. T. (2003). The relative contribution of outcome domains in the total economic benefit of addiction interventions: a review of first findings. Addiction, 98, 1647-1659.

McCollister, K.E., French, M.T., Prendergast, M., Wexler, H., Sacks, S. and Hall, E. (2003). Is In-Prison Treatment Enough? A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Prison-Based Treatment and Aftercare Services for Substance-Abusing Offenders. Law & Policy, 25(1), 63-82.

Mojtabai, R. & Zivin, J. G. (2003). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of four treatment modalities for substance disorders: a propensity score analysis. Health Serv.Res., 38, 233-259.

Puigdollers, E., Cots, F., Brugal, M. T., Torralba, L., Domingo-Salvany, A., & Costas, F. (2003). [Methadone maintenance programs with supplementary services: a cost-effectiveness study]. Gac.Sanit., 17, 123-130.

Roman, J. & Howell, E. (2004). Estimates of economic gain from addiction treatment are only as good as the data: comments on mccollister & french. Addiction, 99, 131.

Rosenheck, R., Kasprow, W., Frisman, L., & Liu-Mares, W. (2003). Cost-effectiveness of supported housing for homeless persons with mental illness. Arch.Gen.Psychiatry, 60, 940-951.

Salome, H.J, French, M.T.,Scott, C., Foss, M., & Dennis, M. (2003). Investigating variation in the costs and benefits of addiction treatment: econometric analysis of the Chicago Target Cities Project. Evaluation and Program Planning, 26(3), 325-338.

Schumacher, J. E., Mennemeyer, S. T., Milby, J. B., Wallace, D., & Nolan, K. (2002). Costs and effectiveness of substance abuse treatments for homeless persons. J.Ment.Health Policy Econ., 5, 33-42.

Sindelar, J. L., Jofre-Bonet, M., French, M. T., & McLellan, A. T. (2004). Cost-effectiveness analysis of addiction treatment: paradoxes of multiple outcomes. Drug Alcohol Depend., 73, 41-50.

Single, E. (2003). Estimating the costs of substance abuse: implications to the estimation of the costs and benefits of gambling. J.Gambl.Stud., 19, 215-233.

Storer, R. M. (2003). A simple cost-benefit analysis of brief interventions on substance abuse at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. Mil.Med., 168, 765-768. Torchia, M. (2002). Cost-effective prevention for children living with addiction. Behav.Healthc.Tomorrow., 11, 24-30.

Costs and Drug Abuse

Alemi, F., Haack, M., Holifield, L., Claudio, Y. & Haqqi, K. (2002). Unit cost of counseling and patientsÕ length of stay in a residential drug treatment setting. J Ment Health Policy Econ, 5, 103-107.

Alexandre, P. K. (2003). The cost of residential addiction treatment in public housing. Journal of substance Abuse Treatment 24, 6. 285-290

Calhoun, B. C. & Watson, P. T. (1991). The cost of maternal cocaine abuse: I. Perinatal cost. Obstet.Gynecol., 78, 731-734.

Chiu, T. T., Vaughn, A. J., & Carzoli, R. P. (1990). Hospital costs for cocaine-exposed infants. J.Fla.Med.Assoc., 77, 897-900.

Cowell, A.J., Pollio, D.E., North, C.S., Stewart, A.M., McCabe, M.M. & Anderson, D.W. (2003). Deriving service costs for a clubhouse psychosocial rehabilitation program. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 30(4), 323-40.

Fenoglio, P., Parel, V., & Kopp, P. (2003). The social cost of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs in France, 1997. Eur.Addict.Res., 9, 18-28.

Harwood, H. J., Mark, T. L., McKusick, D. R., Coffey, R. M., King, E. C., & Genuardi, J. S. (2003). National spending on mental health and substance abuse treatment by age of clients, 1997. J.Behav.Health Serv.Res., 30, 433-443.

Hennessy, K. D., Green-Hennessy, S., Buck, J. A., & Miller, K. (2003). Psychotropic drug use and expenditures among medicaid beneficiaries with and without other mental health or substance abuse services. J.Nerv.Ment.Dis., 191, 476-478.

Lipscomb, H. J., Dement, J. M., & Li, L. (2003). Health care utilization of families of carpenters with alcohol or substance abuse-related diagnoses. Am.J.Ind.Med., 43, 361-368.

Mark, T. L. (2003). The costs of treating persons with depression and alcoholism compared with depression alone. Psychiatr.Serv., 54, 1095-1097.
Ref ID: 13

Mark, T. L., Buck, J. A., Dilonardo, J. D., Coffey, R. M., & Chalk, M. (2003). Medicaid expenditures on behavioral health care. Psychiatr.Serv., 54, 188-194.

Mena, M., Corvalan, S., & Bedregal, P. (2002). [Health care expenditures among the offspring of cocaine base paste consumers]. Rev.Med.Chil., 130, 1241-1248.

Nwakeze, P. C., Magura, S., Rosenblum, A., & Joseph, H. (2003). Homelessness, substance misuse, and access to public entitlements in a soup kitchen population. Subst.Use.Misuse., 38, 645-668.

Parthasarathy, S., Mertens, J., Moore, C., & Weisner, C. (2003). Utilization and cost impact of integrating substance abuse treatment and primary care. Med.Care, 41, 357-367.

Roebuck, M. C., French, M. T., & McLellan, A. T. (2003). DATStats: results from 85 studies using the Drug Abuse Treatment Cost Analysis Program. J.Subst.Abuse Treat., 25, 51-57.

Rosenheck, R., Leslie, D., & Woody, G. (2003). Fiscal strain and access to opiate substitution therapy at Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Am.J.Addict., 12, 220-228.

Salome, H. J., French, M. T., Miller, M., & McLellan, A. T. (2003). Estimating the client costs of addiction treatment: first findings from the client drug abuse treatment cost analysis program (Client DATCAP). Drug Alcohol Depend., 71, 195-206.

Sheerin, I. G., Green, F. T., & Sellman, J. D. (2003). The costs of not treating hepatitis C virus infection in injecting drug users in New Zealand. Drug Alcohol Rev., 22, 159-167.

Wu, L. T., Kouzis, A. C., & Schlenger, W. E. (2003). Substance use, dependence, and service utilization among the US uninsured nonelderly population. Am.J.Public Health, 93, 2079-2085.

Zarkin, G.A., Dunlap, L.J. & Homsi, G. (2004). The substance abuse services cost analysis program (SASCAP): a new method for estimating drug treatment services costs. Evaluation and Program Planning, 27, 35-43.

Methodological Research

Borisova, N. N. & Goodman, A. C. (2004). The effects of time and money prices on treatment attendance for methadone maintenance clients. J.Subst.Abuse Treat., 26, 345-352.

Feldman, S. R., Chen, G. J., Hu, J. Y., & Fleischer, A. B. (2002). Effects of systematic asymmetric discounting on physician-patient interactions: a theoretical framework to explain poor compliance with lifestyle counseling. BMC.Med.Inform.Decis.Mak., 2, 8.

French, M. T., Roebuck, M. C., Dennis, M. L., Diamond, G., Godley, S. H., Tims, F., Webb, C., & Herrell, J. M. (2002). The economic cost of outpatient marijuana treatment for adolescents: findings from a multi-site field experiment. Addiction, 97 Suppl 1:84-97., 84-97.

Drug Policy

Bachman, S. S., Drainoni, M. L., & Tobias, C. (2003). State policy and practice regarding substance abuse treatment services for medicaid recipients with disabilities. Am.J Addict., 12, 166-176.

CDC. (2003). State Medicaid coverage for tobacco-dependence treatments--United States, 1994-2001 MMWR Morb.Mortal.Wkly.Rep., 52, 496-500.

Marlowe, D. B., Elwork, A., Festinger, D. S., & McLellan, A. T. (2003). Drug policy by popular referendum: This, too, shall pass. J Subst.Abuse Treat., 25, 213-221.

McAuliffe, W. E., LaBrie, R., Woodworth, R., Zhang, C., & Dunn, R. P. (2003). State substance abuse treatment gaps. Am.J.Addict., 12, 101-121.

Mendez, D., Jacobson, P. D., Hassmiller, K. M., & Zellman, G. L. (2003). The effect of legal and hospital policies on physician response to prenatal substance exposure. Matern.Child Health J, 7, 187-196.

Meyerson, B., Chu, B. C., & Mills, M. V. (2003). State agency policy and program coordination in response to the co-occurrence of HIV, chemical dependency, and mental illness. Public Health Rep., 118, 408-414.

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