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Introduction to the Mini-Course

You will get the most out of this mini-course if you follow the sequence given on the side-bar to your rightbecause material in each section is based on what has been presented before.

Here is what you will find in each section:

Reading Components - Each component (listed below) has its own page:
  dotPrint Skills (Alphabetics)
dot Phonemics
dot Word Recognition
dot Sight Words
dot Word Analysis
dot Spelling
dot Rate & Fluency
  dotMeaning Skills
dot Word Meaning (Vocabulary)
dot Background Knowledge
dot Silent Reading Comprehension
Assessment Drives Instruction - This section will use the page listed below to show how assessment is linked to instruction.
dot Comparison of three different reading profiles found in one ABE classroom
Using a Questionnaire - This section explains the usefulness of learner questionnaires and provides an example that you can download and use in your program.
dot As an adjunct to skills assessments
dot Downloadable questionnaire
Using Assessments - This section describes some common adult education assessments and provides a list of tests that can be used in adult education programs.
dot Types of assessments and some test concepts
dot Test Bank listing many assessments that can be used with adult learners
ARCS (The Adult Reading Components Study) - This section describes the research study that forms the foundation of this website.
dot Overview of the ARCS
dot ABE and Spanish Assessment batteries
dot Descriptions of the 10 ARCS Research Profiles
dot An explanation of how the ARCS relates to this website
References - This section contains all of the references appearing on this site.
dot Full list of citations
Resources - This section contains web addresses and downloadable resources that can be used with adult learners.
dot Downloadable Word Lists (Basic Words, Instant Words, and Signal Words)
dot Downloadable Word Meaning Test (WMT)
dot Sylvia Greene's Informal Word Analysis Inventory
dot Web addresses of adult education and research sites


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